Please give me your advice

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What the HECK!!!!

It's expensive, this sport is fu??ing expensive

I will be buying my first rig in this year for sure,

Everyone I ask is telling me to buy a South African stuff: Hornet or Heatwave with a tempo reserve and a Chutshop container.
But quality tells me to buy a SABRE with a PD reserve and a Javelin or Wings container.

Come on guys help with this critical money thing I have to deal with?
And please give me an idea about the full thing deal and where is the best place to buy it online !! yes online cuz I am from far away from the US.
Best Regards
R S G = Ready Set Goooooooooo

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RSG --

If you're really from the UAE, then one thing I think you should be most concerned with is local support.

Do you know if your local DZ or loft has riggers that are fluent in American made gear?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Thank you for your concern
I am from Saudi
And we have 2 pro riggers here who was trained in sunshine factory , and are really really fluent in US , Australiane and South african Gear.
R S G = Ready Set Goooooooooo

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I am from Saudi

I was confused by your profile here on dropzone.com. Under the country it has you listed as UAE.

Anyway, if the riggers are comfortable with it, then you can't really go wrong with American made products by the large manufacturers. The only reason I say this is that the larger the manufacturer, then the more likely it is that they will remain in business for the length of time you own the gear, so you should always be able to get some support and spares if required.

For instance, I bought my first rig from an up-and-coming rig manufacturer and it appeared as if it was going to be a long and beautiful friendship. In about a year, they went out of business and spare parts (reserve parts mostly) were very difficult to come by until somebody else bought the rights to make them. Even then it was a bit sketchy until they really got things going more than a year later.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Hi Sam,
Mirage is also a very good rig and they have a new version on the market right now. The mirage G4 I my self got a G3 and its great. The costumor service is also great. Look at thier internet site for info.
blue skies Hallur

When I stop skydiving is the day that I die!!! Hallur

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look for stores that are near you, if you need to ship something for a SB you might want to ship it somewhere near.

ie. here in panama we buy gear from the US cause shipping its cheaper to the US than to France (parachute du france, which are as good as javs.).

another issue, why do you say that Sabre are better quality? Spectre is a good canopy also the Monarch. Quality in containers well vector are good container (ugly for my taste), Dolphins are very good containers (and very cheap) and Talon.

advice: read more the gear reviews before choosing.

good luck in your new used gear! (go for use if its the first rig)


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This canopy fell out of favor well before the sabres did even though they came out at about the same time.

PdF makes some great gear and they are close. Atair is based in Solvania so they might be close to call and get demos from. Icarus has a Europe office you can call and get stuff from. There is more out there then just PD.
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There is really no quality or safety issue between PISA and PD canopies. A few of the US containers may be better made, but it's a matter of opinion.
Try before you buy and consider buying used.
"Slow down! You are too young
to be moving that fast!"

Old Man Crawfish

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In Canada we jump a mixture of Canadian, American and South African-made parachutes. Quality is great no matter where the gear is made.
All of our students and half of our licensed jumpers jump Sidewinder containers made in Canada. Sidewinders wear like iron!
We have had great results loaning (South African-made) Hornet 190 canopies to our PFF graduates. The quality of materials and workmanship is first-rate on canopies made by PISA. Speaking of materials, Gelvenor (a South African fabric manufacturer) makes high quality zero porosity fabric that is easier to pack than anything made in the USA or UK.
American gear is the most expensive for two reasons. First, they have the most experience and secondly, the American dollar has be over-inflated for too many years.
The chief advantage of buying American gear is brand recognition and high re-sale value. Since Wings containers are easier to pack, I would buy a Wings before buying Javelin.
I have not re-packed any Vortex containers, but at arm's length they look to be similar in design and quality to Javelin and Wings.

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