
Front Riser Pressure....

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I am not sure about the physics, but i would say no... when you use one riser you are turning which makes you "swing" to the outside...if you get the riser down too far it might make that side of the canopy do some funky stuff, but I dont think that you would fall thru it.
jsut my 2 ones
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if your strong enough, your arms are long enough and your really dettermined to make it all go to shit, then I think its possible to collapse your canopy by pulling down to far on a riser. But realistically you will be in such a steep dive long before that concern comes into play that you won't keep pulling far enough to collapse it. As for turbulence the faster you go the less likely your canopy is to collapse. (Assuming your canopy is fully and properly inflated already)
My primary objective when flying in turbulence is to get out of brakes as soon as possible and to turn the least or slowest possible until I get under the turbulence. When the turbulence goes all the way to the ground I feel very unhappy and start to question whether or not I want to be jumping that day. I have no problem relying on my skills to get me out of trouble but it really makes me feel uneasy when the only determining whether or not I will fuck myself up is luck as it would be flying with turbulence near the ground.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
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