
Evening Magazine

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Evening magazine, news show, Channel 5 in Seattle, I think, was out at Kapow yesterday. The did a piece on Swooping.

It was a blast, a lot of pond swoop shots, camera man is a ballsy dude too. I draped him with my canopy, and he didn't flinch. He also went up in the 182 to get some exit shots. Hanging out the door with huge camera.

It was mostly, Andy, Keri, Luke, Layne and me. The way it sorta seemed is it will turn into and Andy Farrington show, but whatever. The anouncer guy was having a blast, and real positive towards us. Although he thought we were all gonna bash the ground. He got used to it though.

Look for it May 19th or something www.eveningmagazine.com

Much fun...


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Great, sounds like some good coverage for Kapow! After KIRO's bashing, it will be nice to see something good!


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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I just watched it.....so awesome! They mentioned a swooping contest the end of summer at Kapowsin, does anyone know when that will be???

By the way, freeflyguy, which one were you? I know Andy, Jesse and Keri, who were the others?


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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That was pretty cool

Layne, forget his last name, is the one doing the barrel rolls out of the cessna.

I had a couple shots. One was dragging the water up to the cameraman, and draping him with my canopy. Couple other clips too. One of the clips from a helmet cam swooping the pond.


Fun day too.

If I can convince my VCR to cooperate, I will upload it to DV then the web. Might as well get my 2 seconds up to four.


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Thanks for posting the video up for all of us who don't get Washington news. It's nice to see some good, positive coverage of swooping on TV and not just what you see on Fox's "World's Worst" etc. etc.... Nice swoops!
Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach http://www.ariperelman.com

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No, not a shameless bump to get this to the top...

Evening Mag liked what they got so much the last trip out, they will be out again this Sunday (22nd). They are going to, or allready have sold it to National Geographic, so I hear.

So if you are in the area, are good enough to not embarass yourself, and everybody else, or just wanna watch, Kapow a week from tomorrow.


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No, not a shameless bump to get this to the top...

Evening Mag liked what they got so much the last trip out, they will be out again this Sunday (22nd). They are going to, or allready have sold it to National Geographic, so I hear.

So if you are in the area, are good enough to not embarass yourself, and everybody else, or just wanna watch, Kapow a week from tomorrow.

well, I'm thinking the embarrasing stuff makes for good video...:)

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