
What is this plane? #15

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The first time I flew in the Tri-motors at Put-in bay was around 1958. My high school friends family owned cottages on Middle Bass island i think. If you were at the ferry dock facing Lonz Wineries[now closed] it was off to the north east at 2:00 oclock. They used the planes as school buses too. as all the islands had runways. The yoke had a model "A" steering wheel and the big stick out of the floor for brake controls between the pilots seat. The oil pressure gauges were on the out board engines ,and you had to look outside to check them. I also got to flt right seat a few times.They also delivered groceries and TV's to the residents.
As far as the right door DC3's .I also jumped them at Quincy doing tandem videos kind of wierd and fun hanging out backwards. I thought American Airlines was the only one with them.It seems to be for passenger convenience to not have to walk around the tail at the terminal. they taxied up in a loop turn as there werent any pushme pullme trucks then.
The Grand Caravan we had Napoleon for a few summers was also tried as the shuttle plane at Port Clinton. Bob Clark was the only pilot with the ability to make it work there. the other pilots got scared with the runway length, and the nice bump in the middle.
Hi Jack, That name sounds familiar and I would go on the buffed aluminum.
Say HI to the Boss for me OK

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That's what I heard it called in Quincey in 1986; "Silver Bullet". Got a couple jumps out of it myself, & yea, you're correct, it was strange turning left on exit!

Heard countless times that week:
"But the door's on the wrong side!"

"No, the door's on the right side!"


BTW, there were SEVEN DC-3/C-47's on the flight-line that year.

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

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