
New Paracommander owner!...What do you think?

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I just made the winning bid on 1973 Mark 1 with a stylemaster harness and container (on ebay). It has R-3 tapewell release system. I paid $202. Everything looks to be in really good shape except for the ripcord pocket which needs to be replaced. Did I do good?

I'll have another rigger check it out, before jumping it.

I quit jumping in about 75 so I'm not real familiar with this tapewell system. Apparently the velcro is still good. Maybe this is a step up from the old shot and a halfs. I was never trained to cover my cape wells after cutting away, so maybe this is a safer system for an old fart like me.

Now all I need is a belly wart reserve (hopefully with a modified 26 coni in it).

God, it feels good to be a paracommander owner again!....Steve1

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Hi Steve1,

I think that I have an old SuperPro belly container & I know that I have a couple of 26 ft LoPos. I don't think that I have any MA-1 pilot chutes but I would think most modern reserve pilot chutes should work.

Interested? Get in touch; I am in the Portland, OR area.


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Thanks Jerry, I'll keep that in mind. Back in the 70's I had a super-pro main container and a stylemaster reserve container. So, it only makes sense to now have a stylemaster main, and super-pro reserve now.:S

I hope to be in Oregon this summer, and maybe make some jumps in Mollala if time allows. Maybe our paths will cross...Steve1

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If it's a COMP model your going to THUMP, even if you hit the peas.
Might want to trade someone for a MK-1 or RW or better yet a JUMBO!


I guess I won't know for sure what I bought, till it arrives. I never have jumped a comp. model. I think this one is long lined and a standard Mk-1, but I could be wrong.

I have gained about 30 lbs. since the 70's (solid muscle, I might add).B| No longer am I a 140 lb floater. It's funny how your mind says you can still do things you did 35 years ago. Like standups under a para-commander.

I did jump a P.C. a couple summers back, but I'm not so sure it wasn't a Jumbo model. Stood it up with no problem, but this canopy might be a different story. Thanks for the input....Steve1

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If you have the Ser. No. and/or the date of mfr then we could zero in on what you have.

The Comp PC was the last one that really sold in the numbers. The RW PC, the Jumbo, etc were just Pioneers attempts to hold onto a declining market. They did not succeed.

Just let me know when you will be in Molalla,


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Oh shit! I went and rechecked the pictures looking for serial numbers...and sure enough it says right on it, in fine print..."Competition".

I guess that's what happens when you figure you know it all, and rush into buying something.

Noone I knew, back in the olden days, had a competition model. I assume it's short lined for less oscillation on turns. Is there any other differences? Are the landings really that much harder than a standard Mk-1? Maybe this canopy will be for water jumps only.

It sure is purty though. Red, White, and Blue....Steve1

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Maybe Stratostar knows how big you are, but my first canopy was a comp PC and I liked it fine. Of couse I weighed about 160 lbs. back then.;)

For a number of years I wanted to make another round jump but at 215 and with a bunch of metal in one ankle didn't have any I wanted to jump. Finally bought a Phantom 28 off ebay and put it on three ring risers. Went right into my regular rig in place of the 170. Sure glad I hit the peas!! But is was nice being under a round again. Nice and quiet and it was fun doing landing approach from opening.B|

Have fun!
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Re: the R3 Tapewell releases....be safe - change the Velcro - that is what keeps the risers attached. It may very well be the original Velcro on the rig, which makes it approx 30 years old. Why take the chance? Make certain the elastic keeper is routed underneath the flap that has the release barrel attached to it. Always take care to keep the Velcro clean and free of dirt.

Yes, a Comp model PC will be tough on landings, so practice your PLF's, even in the peas.

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Thanks Terry, for your input. It makes me feel a little better knowing that you liked yours when you weighed 160. I weigh around 180 right now, so maybe it could be jumpable under the right conditions. Maybe if I go on a crash diet, or quit drinking beer....(Nah...To hell with that idea!)

I'm also wondering about the R-3 tapewells. How safe are these? They weren't invented yet in 75 when I quit. (At least I never saw any). The PC I jumped a while back had R-3's and these were the first I've seen. I'm just wondering if there is much chance of them coming unhooked on opening. Can you get a clean release on a cut away? Someone told me to check them every time after opening to make sure none of the velcro has come loose. Kind of a scary thought.

I felt secure with my old shot and a halfs, but they could also snag a reserve. Thanks,....Steve1

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Thanks Ripcord4, (I just read your post) That's the info. I was looking for. I'll get the velcro replaced, and brush up on my PLF's. I'm still a tough old bird, even though I'm kind of on the plump side these days:S....Steve1

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Thanks Ripcord4, (I just read your post) That's the info. I was looking for. I'll get the velcro replaced, and brush up on my PLF's. I'm still a tough old bird, even though I'm kind of on the plump side these days:S....Steve1

Steve....roger the plump. I have the same "problem". If you are committed (no pun intended) to jumping a round, try to locate an MC1-1C or a SET-10. Much slower coming down than that Comp PC!

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I jumped R3's for a while and if I remember correctly, they did utilize the Pivoting parts of the capewells and the little tab from the harness component,, which slid UP to lock the lug from the riser into the housing.....
Velcro and elastic IS a weird way to LOCK anything,,,
but hell.... weren't we ALL into "research & Development" ???? back then...:DB|;)
I DID have an R3 release on me, one day, as I was LANDING...I did a little chin up on the riser of my French Papillon and Ka-Chink !!!!! ( and this was years before the 3 ring Ka-chink ) ,,, The right riser came right off the harness ,,in my hand,,, and I was left standing there,, with this Whooooaaaaa sort of look on my face... Hahahaha... I had done 2 or 3 backloops off the step, at 3 grand,,, then opened.. Can't say If I actually LOOKED at my capewells, throughout the descent, but my guess is that it might have blown "loose" pre- deployment, but didn't pull down and Open... Pressure from the riser lug, kept the thing together, til I unloaded the riser as i stood up the landing...... YIKES!!!!! I vote,,,replace the velcro.
ps... now I always do a visual on both of my 3 ring setups as part of my post deployment checklist...:)...
Jump the PC ,,, with both pride and respect, and spot carefully...;)

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Hi steve1,

Back 'in the day' I converted my already short-lined Mk I into a Comp PC. I jumped it for a season and then changed it back into a Mk I. A lot of work but I was younger then.

The Comp PC (IMO) was to get a little more forward speed & less oscillation. It has larger rear opening in it and larger/longer steering vents, if I remember.

If you come to Molalla; bring it with you.


PS) The gut pack offer is still good.

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As to the R-3's. R-3's still used the rivet and pivoting holder that held the slider that went over the nose of the male capewell part. I also had Sport Lifewells. Theses did away with the rivet and pivoting holder. The slider was sewn to the webbing with a piece of type 2 A. They wrapped around and were held with velcro. When pulled the entire piece of webbing pulled out! I don't know why these never came apart. I wouldn't worry about R3's Our student rigs had them for 10 years or so. Maybe longer.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Maybe Stratostar knows how big you are,

Nope, but if ya have ever flown next to one and seen the rate of decent, you would know why I said that.
As a newer old fart I won't jump a comp, I like my MK-1 and jumbo, I don't like the rate of decent of the comps thats all.

you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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Hey Steve1,

Welcome back!
I too started back after 35 yrs. Just sorry I waited so long!

I'm going to jump my old PC again before long. I'm getting my new vector up to speed first. Looking foward to seeing the round thing again.

Here's to Old Farts in the Wind!

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First, I love rounds, but I dont jump em any more. Keep the PC for nostalgia, but jump something modern. I got back into the sport after a long absence and was gonna jump my trusty shortlined MK 1 PC. Luckily I was talked out of it and I have never looked back. The new gear is much safer and with proper wing loading and a good flare, lets you down so much softer than any round could ever do. PCs seemed great after cheapos, but RAM air canopies are a quantum leap in performance over any round. Except for a very few Jumbo PCs, everyone jumped the same size. You get a much better "canopy fit" with modern gear.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I got my new "old" rig. Everything seems in really good shape. The velcro and elastic on the release system needs to be replaced, but everything else looks good.

On the down side...it is definitely a competion model. I've been reading Gary Lewis's manual on paracommanders, and it does state that the competition model does land hard and is more likely to malfunction.

According to the manual, this canopy can be greatly improved by making a few modifications to it. Such as covering up the large hole in the back with a mark 1 data panel, and shortening the two long turn slots is supposed to improve openings and soften landings considerably. It will still be short lined. But hopefully at my weight of 180 it should descend around the same rate as Mark 1 if I make the other modifications.

At any rate, I really appreciate your input. Do you think I should hire another rigger to make the modifications I mentioned earlier? My sewing skills leave a lot to be desired. Thanks...Steve1

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