
Get proper CRW training _please_

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In the past couple of years, I've seen more and more people get interested in CRW. Unfortunately many of them are going up and trying it without getting proper training, without using proper canopies, and doing dangerous that they don't even realize are dangerous.

The accident in Dallas is something that could have happened in a lot of places. From what I understand, the two went up without any training and tried to do CRW, and got into trouble. No one knows right now why they never executed emergency procedures or what happened.

Recently before I arrived at the dz for the day, several young jumpers went up to do CRW. They all had done a couple of CRW jumps with me, but really at this stage just know enough to get themselves into trouble. They built the stack with the 1-1 loaded canopy on top, the heavier loaded ZP second, and a 1.8 loaded Jonathan third. They didn't understand the concept of the fast canopies MUST go on top - anyone who's ever been around a stalling stack will never make that mistake twice. There were pictures of it with the bottom canopy deformed and I'm just thankful that it didn't stall and cause cutaways/injuries and possible death.

You can do CRW with all sorts of canopies. But to do it safely you need the knowledge. There's no need to go back 20 years ago where we didn't know so much of the stuff we do today - find someone experienced, jump with them and learn. Learn CRW on proper canopies - I understand that true CRW canopies can be hard to find at times - but Spectres and Triathalons work well. You have to be careful of trailing pilot chutes and such, but either one is 10 times better than a Sabre and a hundred times better than a Stilletto for this stuff.

I was told a story this weekend of jumpers (who had very little CRW experience on actual CRW canopies) trying to build a diamond with their sub-100 sq ft Cobalts. And building it in the wrong order. I'm just thankful they didn't kill themselves trying. I love my Cobalt 75 and I love building diamonds, but I don't think that even with 1500 CRW jumps I could fly a wing with my Cobalt. The canopy is just wrong for the slot - its not designed for that.

I hear more and more these days about people doing CRW and trying to build formations with no training and not even realizing why what they're doing is so dangerous. It doesn't take many CRW wraps before you become way more cautious. But when you're learning CRW on ellipticals with microlines - you may not live through the learning curve.

So _please_ before you go out and get a couple of buddies together and try this - get together with a coach - someone who's done CRW and knows what's going on. 10-15 years ago everyone did CRW because the canopies were more compatible back then. If you start asking around some of the older jumpers - you'll find people who can help you. Don't just try it on your own.

Go to my website - read some of the info on there as well. Educate yourself on what you're doing please.


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Great post! And I think you placed it in the proper forum. I don't possess enough experience to offer such sound advice and guidance and think that this type of post has been long overdue. I often ask what type of canopy is used and how much training one has taken. My RW canopy is a Spectre and it is very different from my Lightning. Some believe that the Lightning is merely a beefed up Spectre with thick-ass lines. Wrong. There's more to it, and a challenge to land. Like all skydiving disciplines, get the proper training on the proper equipment. Anyway, thank you for your comments.

CReW Skies,


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Wendy.. whats your thoughts on doing CRW with 7 cell canopies like the Spectre/Tri that have microlines? I know this might be better in the CRW fourm but since it was brought up here... might as well finish the thought process.
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Wendy.. whats your thoughts on doing CRW with 7 cell canopies like the Spectre/Tri that have microlines? I know this might be better in the CRW fourm but since it was brought up here... might as well finish the thought process.

Its not ideal, but I do it. You do run more of a danger of nastier line burns, but I do stacks with Spectres and Triathalons all the time. I'd be MUCH more wary of doing diamonds with them - I've got to trust the person pretty well before I'll do that. But I'd much rather see people doing CRW on Spectres than Sabres or Stillettos.


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how about just bumping end cells? is that safe w/o training. Been doing it for a while with spectres?

At least go to my website and read the info there about what to do in emergencies. What if one of you does something unexpected and you end up entangled? Do you know the proper order to cutaway or other emergency procedures? The incident in Dallas appears to have been one guy accidently spiraled into the other - not quite CRW.

Everyone should knoww how to properly handle a CRW wrap because even unintentional canopy collisions happen.

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