
way out of currency

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Because of some things that went on this last summer, I never got a chance to jump. When I go back this spring it will have been about 18 months. Beside the obvious check out jump, what would be a good plan of action to get back to old skill level? (preferably without spending $K on Skydive University, freefall tunnel camp, etc.)

I have 31 jumps over two years with a third year away from sport. (way out of currency)

Thanks in advance for any advice.
“Now click your heels together 3 times so you can return to Kansas to live in poverty with your teetotaling, dirt farming aunt and uncle!” paraphrased Prof. Farnsworth

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i'm not an instructor, but maybe your DZ will let you sit through another AFF first jump course, just to cover safety and malfunctions, and then you can do a coach jump/checkout dive. Ask the DZ Manager, or call the local DZ you want to go back to.
welcome back!

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but maybe your DZ will let you sit through another AFF first jump course

I'm sure they would have let me done this, but they went out of business. (Pittsburgh Skydive Center) Next spring I will call up some other DZs in the area, but it would have been nice to do this with the guys that trained me from day one.[:/]
“Now click your heels together 3 times so you can return to Kansas to live in poverty with your teetotaling, dirt farming aunt and uncle!” paraphrased Prof. Farnsworth

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Being that far out I'm going to guess you'll have to sit through an AFF ground school, and then do something like a level 6 jump again.

Honestly at 31 jumps you were just starting to get used to freefall and body positions. Spend the money on some good coaching now while your body is relearning all of its skills.
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That is long time to be uncurrent specifally with 31 jumps. Even if you don't have to sit through an AFF course..it's a good Idea. You likely will go to AFF 4 and become evaluated after that point. I'd call up somewhere in the area and find out what they say.

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Did you ever get your A-license? Not that it is a real factor in your case (my opinion). Go through the FJC, spend plenty of time pulling handles. I'd recommend a level 2/3 for AFF, or PRCP's for S/L. If your released, stable, and altitude aware on your level 2/3, you'll probably do a level 4, and a level 7. On the S/L side, it'd be a stable clear-&-pull (after your PRCP's), and an Instructor supervised free-fall or two.

Again, all of this' situational - just my recommendation. Lastly, STAY CURRENT!

Blue Skies

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Did you ever get your A-license?

yes, A39180



That would have been my choice, was out of my control. When I get back I do plan on staying there.;)

I did AFF. A level 3, then 4, then 7 does sound good. Thanks.
“Now click your heels together 3 times so you can return to Kansas to live in poverty with your teetotaling, dirt farming aunt and uncle!” paraphrased Prof. Farnsworth

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Did you ever get your A-license?

yes, A39180



That would have been my choice, was out of my control. When I get back I do plan on staying there.;)

I did AFF. A level 3, then 4, then 7 does sound good. Thanks.


A skydiver who not only seeks advice, but recognizes good advice when he sees it!

Good on ya Larry. It seems you have your head on straight; keep being so safety aware and may you enjoy a long skydiving career.

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Here's what the USPA recommends:

USPA A-license holders who have not made a freefall skydive within-

1. 60 days: should make at least one solo jump under the direct supervision of a currently rated USPA Instructor until demonstrating altitude awareness, freefall control on all axes, tracking, and canopy skills sufficient for safely jumping in groups

2. 90 days:

a. if trained in the static-line or IAD method should make at least one satisfactory static-line or IAD jump with a practice deployment under the direct supervision of an appropriately rated USPA Instructor, and then follow recurrency recommendations for 60 days of inactivity

b. if trained in the AFF method, should make at least one jump under the direct supervision of a currently rated AFF Instructor to demonstrate the ability to start and stop turns and maintain altitude awareness and stability during deployment, and then follow recurrency recommendations for 60 days of inactivity
Skydiving is for cool people only

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