
Skydive Dallas

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well, i'm all moved into my new house here in OK, and i'm plannin on making the long haul to skydive dallas either this weekend or next weekend depending on the weather. Lookin forward to meeting new people, and seen as how my e-mail wasn't answered, if anyone from skydive dallas knows if they need any vidiots, i'm lookin for a lil extra work. And if not, i'm sure to have a good time. And yes, this is a bit of a post whore on my part:P

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Dallas has some great peeps.

Its my old stomping ground along with some of my friend's old stomping grounds.

Dave is the head of the video crew there (at least I thing so). Johnny K is a wicked flier, canopy pilot and videot. There are more but those guys I remember.
It can seem clicky b/c of the crazy fast pace there.Ive been there when they busted out 24 super otter loads and 20 caravan loads. Look up team vibe, chef Mike, and others and tell 'em Arkansas John says hello. They will tell you stories I wish they wouldn't.

SDD is a pimpin place. Have fun, be safe.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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It's slow out there this time of year tandem/team wise, but come on out to fun jump and get used to the place. It is a dry county and since you're coming from OK you'll only have access to 3.2 beer. What are you drinking? I'll pick up some real beer for ya!

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It's slow out there this time of year tandem/team wise, but come on out to fun jump and get used to the place. It is a dry county and since you're coming from OK you'll only have access to 3.2 beer. What are you drinking? I'll pick up some real beer for ya!

Hey Raftboy!! Call me!! verizon was kind enough to delete my numbers in 07 for me. I live in Dallas again.
407-340-1202 You still working at the same place?

oh the famous raft was finally put to rest in 2006, we didnt lose it, it just ended up in the swamps and no one had the guts to play with the gators. It made it thru 6 SkyFest:)

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well, i'm all moved into my new house here in OK, and i'm plannin on making the long haul to skydive dallas either this weekend or next weekend depending on the weather. Lookin forward to meeting new people, and seen as how my e-mail wasn't answered, if anyone from skydive dallas knows if they need any vidiots, i'm lookin for a lil extra work. And if not, i'm sure to have a good time. And yes, this is a bit of a post whore on my part:P

Hey man. Had a great time this weekend, even though it was cold. OK, not H-n-P's @ 42 below, but still cold. Glad we got to meet you and look forward to seeing you there again. I'll keep in touch and let you know when we go next and maybe carpool.
Appreciated the video and ff help.
It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

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