
Nate Gilbert "Have a Good Jump" Boogie

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July 4-10 - Nate Gilbert “Have a Good Jump” Boogie.
TJ Landgren organizing all week long. $12.50 jumps Monday through Sunday with a $15 registration fee. Every day will have a different focus and theme.
July 4: The Boogie Begins. Gunnar Jeannette autograph session. Bring your June 27th People magazine
July 5: Tracking
July 6: Backfly
July 7: Sitfly
July 8: Head down
July 9: Hybrids
July 10: 3-way Freefly Competition Hosted by TJ Landgren and Team Flatline

Come on out and jump Cheap all week.
Hope to see you there.
Know your rights.

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July 4: The Boogie Begins. Gunnar Jeannette autograph session. Bring your June 27th People magazine

What happened to 8-way speed star... :o... Why would I want Gunnar's Autograph?!? :P

anyway I've already got his sig in my logbook...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Oh yeah, I forgot. That is at Atlanta Skydiving Center for those who wish to participate. Icon 134 if you want 8 way speed stars on Monday, you got it.

See you there.

Woo Hoo!!!!!

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Oh and the Rogaine comment pisses me off

better to be pissed off than pissed on!!!!...

but ya!! i know what ya mean!

im going to be swooping in downtown milwaukee this week, so i wont make it.

but a picture of nate is in BOTH my turntable cases, and he is at ALL the parties with me..B|

lots of love to ya katie!;)

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Okay guys who's all coming out during the week? It would be a damn shame to miss out on all those $12.50 jumps! I'll be there pretty much everyday but we need to fill the Otter. Anyone from Thomaston going to come over?

Uhh, you want fries with that?

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I'll be out sometime after work on Friday morning, I hope anyone else who had the priveledge of knowing Nate will at at least stop on by and say "Howdy".

Nate was all about the skydive, about fun, and about love for our sport and the people in it. So call it a dare, call it a challenge, call it whatever you want, but if you knew Nate drop the politics, drop the bitching, drop the "he said she said", ignore the asshole comments and c'mon out and make a great skydive. This boogie isn't about us, it's about remembering a great friend, coach, teacher, and skydiver, and celebrating that which he loved so much. GO BIG and HAVE A GREAT SKYDIVE!!

Coming soon to a bowl of Wheaties near you!!

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