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I will be in Belize the first week in September and was looking for info on places to jump. I tried to jump there back in November but the weather was bad. Does anyone have connections with pilots down there? Any info would be appreciated.

You dont't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when.......You can only decide how you're going to live........NOW.
-BASE 1605 Night BASE 227

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Yah, why would you even want to jump in a place with such great scuba diving!
Go do a quick week long scuba cert. course if you dont scuba already and ENJOY!!!
If you do your pool training you can get a referal for you open water and finish it there. ;)
If you don't you'll get there and wish you did!

Be safe.


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Thanks for the info but this will be my second trip down there. I know about all the beautiful diving Belize has to offer. I plan on making a shit load of dives but I will be there for 8 days. Thats plenty of time to throw a skydive into the mix. I posted about belize last year and got some responses from someone who new some pilots down there. Just though I would try it again. I almost had the tropic air pilot convinced to let me make a jump. He though I was BS-ing him until I started taking my rig out of the bag. If I cant set something up before hand, I will just leave my rig at home.

You dont't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when.......You can only decide how you're going to live........NOW.
-BASE 1605 Night BASE 227

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I plan on making a shit load of dives but I will be there for 8 days. Thats plenty of time to throw a skydive into the mix.

DONT make it a bad mix. [:/]

REMEMBER, skydive then scuba dive, never scuba dive then skydive unless your completely outgassed 24 hours later and have NO symptoms at all of DCS.
Also do your dive tables correctly.;)

Be safe and have fun. :)

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Thanks for the tip....I think its a good rule of thumb to give yourself 24 hours before making a skydive. Last time I jumped in Mexico I gave myself 24 hours and had no problems.

You dont't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when.......You can only decide how you're going to live........NOW.
-BASE 1605 Night BASE 227

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Thanks for the tip....I think its a good rule of thumb to give yourself 24 hours before making a skydive. Last time I jumped in Mexico I gave myself 24 hours and had no problems.

24 hours may or may not be enough for a higher altitude skydive. They've been floating 12-24 hours as a WAG for a long time. Some dive computer models don't clear for longer. And then I have friends to go to the airport with their hair still wet (and they actually do know what they've doing).

Personally I'd slant it more towards 36 hours, or just do the jumping first. Otherwise, be sure your ascent rate (30, not 60ft/m) is check in check, and the safety stop nice and good. I think a lot of the "undeserved" hits come from people following the tables/computers but violating these assumptions of the deco model.

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Doesn't really pertain to this specific instance, but as a general rule also take into consideration rise of elevation on land. 2nd hand I know of a guy that got himself into some trouble planning on scuba first and then skydiving two days later, with a day or so long drive inbetween. Decided to make the long drive instead of a short flight in order to avoid sitting around while offgassing. Didn't think about the fact that the drive took him from sea level up into the mountains. Plan might not have been great, but my understanding is that he was a smart guy and noticed the symptoms of potential DCS and took appropriate action.

Don't know any specifics, but I'll see if I can find out from where to where he was going and to what altitude he drove.

Just be careful.
Killing threads since 2004.

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Thanks for all the good info guys. I will most likely leave my rig here. The only way I was going to take it to Belize is if I could hook something up over DZ.com. It was kind of a pain in the ass taking it down there last time. I was worried someone would steal it or mess it up when i was not around. This trip will be just scuba diving and snorkeling. I was still entertaining the idea of heading north up to Playa Del Carmen for a jump or two. I jumped there back in 02. It was a really fun jump landing on the beach. Thanks again for all the info.

You dont't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when.......You can only decide how you're going to live........NOW.
-BASE 1605 Night BASE 227

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I just got back from Belize and had a bad ass time. I found a Belizian Pilot that will fly jumpers. I have his contact info if anyone is interested. I just read the post on the Boogie in Belize. I will be there for that. We charted a plane and flew over Guatemala and western Belize to see some of the Mayan ruins. We flew in a very nice C-172. I think it was an early 80's model in very good shape. The pilot told me he flew jumpers before and to bring my rig next time. I figured it would work out like that. I brought my rig last time and could not find a pilot. I left my rig at home this time and found a pilot. I have all his contact info if anyone is interested. Who else is going to the Boogie in Belize?

You dont't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when.......You can only decide how you're going to live........NOW.
-BASE 1605 Night BASE 227

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