
AFF Training Time...?

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Was wondering what the most weeks in between jumps/levels you should let go by? I want to start my AFF, but don't have several consecutive weekends free until JANUARY :(

I'm told to wait until then so I don't get rusty if a week or two passes between levels, but the tandem jumps are getting very expensive.

What's your advice? Also, once I get my license, how often should I jump to stay current?


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if you go over 30 days since your last jump they make you repeat the level you were on. [:/]

I did a level or two every couple weeks. As my income came in...

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Just try to get the levels done as close together as you can. A few missed weeks here and there will not make a big difference. Many find it easier to do the levels close together because the more you are in the air, the more comfortable and relaxed you are for each progressive jump. The biggest thing to remember, however, is to have fun. You are skydiving!

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Who says you need weekends free?
Dude, you live in Florida, the state with a dropzone every 15 miles. You should easily be able to find an instructor who is willing to train you on weekdays.
And if your boss does not give you the occaissional day off, remind him that all work and no play is a recipe for physical, emotional and work break downs.

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Yeah, I just started AFF at Skydive Sebastian, which btw is awesome! Mik suggested that I come at least every other week, and the more often the better. I sure wanna get down there this wknd, but my ears are still bothering me:( 6 levels to go:ph34r:

I would wait until you could at least make it every third week, but, then, really, I suppose it depends on the person as to how comfortable they would be. I was pretty comfortable with both jumps, and I don't think that would change in a few weeks as I had never jumped before and was comfortable.

Good luck, Sebastian is great if you can get out that way, they people are great, instruction is excellent!


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Was wondering what the most weeks in between jumps/levels you should let go by? I want to start my AFF, but don't have several consecutive weekends free until JANUARY :(

I'm told to wait until then so I don't get rusty if a week or two passes between levels, but the tandem jumps are getting very expensive.

What's your advice? Also, once I get my license, how often should I jump to stay current?***

Skydiving is like any new skill you are learning. The closer together you can make the jumps, the better off you will be. If you have to wait till Jan., then so be it, in the long run you will do better.

Depending on what license you have, depends on the amount of time you can take off. I won't worry about that right now, concentrate on finishing the student program. All the information about licenses should be given to you when you take your first jump course.

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Did my Level 5. 6, 7, 9 and 10 in a little over a week. (9-10 in Denmark are stability test and tracking test, did it combined in one jump). Before that I had trouble getting time/available instructors/weather to cooperate.

Getting several jumps done in just a couple of days was very benefitial to me. It lowered the stress level, let me get used to the height and my newly acquired skills didn't get rusty.

Now I've gone a week without skydiving (going on saturday and sunday, whoo) and I know I'm gonna be more nervous.

I'd recommend getting it all done relatively quickly so you stay current. Not TOO quickly though, don't wanna rush it :)

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