
aced category D-1!

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:P I am so stoked! It's almost like reliving my first jump high all over again. I had not planned on doing any more categories until this weekend, but I happened to be at my dz today and it just sorta happened....:$I went with Jay Stokes, who is by far in my opinion one of the best (check his website at : Jay Stokes ~ Most Jumps It was my last "official" release dive. Next time, probably tomorrow will be my first solo exit and 360 turns. I probably won't sleep a wink tonight, in anticipation for tomorrow. I can actually see the "end of AFF" light pretty clear now. I am so excited! I have never been this pasionate about anything else. SKYDIVING ROCKS!!!!!:D;)

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Great job. D-1 is the category I had a problem on this past weekend and have to repeat. I know what you mean about seeing the "end of AFF light". I feel the same way. It's going to be so weird but cool to finally be in complete control.

Best of luck and let us know how you do.



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