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I took my rig through Phoenix last January with no problems. If you have any more problems have the Northwest people call the Southwest Airlines Supvr. Southwest has a blurb under their baggage rules that specifically addresses Parachutes and Cypres as a non-regulated item by the DOT and that it's Ok for carry on or checked baggage.

You just got an ignorant security person ref the CO2. Ask the guard next time how he thinks that the life jackets installed under the seats are deployed? or the escape slides on the aircraft.


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You just got an ignorant security person ref the CO2. Ask the guard next time how he thinks that the life jackets installed under the seats are deployed? or the escape slides on the aircraft.

WAY, WAY BAD idea.

Much better is to simply tell the truth that you don't have a CO2 cartridge in your rig.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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agreed, pointing out how ignorant they actually are, to a person with a thimble full of authority is asking for that tiny bit of power to be used to make your life miserable...

be calm rational and back up your position with lots of documentation and its much harder for him to exercise that power against overwelming evidence and polite assertions.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Yeah, they talked to everyone at the airport that morning...they even called me as I was waiting in the security line in ABQ to ask how I always "got away with it"! I even offered to talk to the TSA guys as someone who had flown thru there the WEEKEND BEFORE, and they would have no part of it.

I didn't think to have them call Southwest...that's a really good idea to have in my back pocket.

Actually, that's what I do, I carry my little printout from Southwest that says Cypres's are OK with all the time (even when I'm not flying SWA...shhhh).

Of course what was really funny is talking to the TSA hotline girl hearing her say that NO sporting equipment could be carried on except baseball gloves....as I'm standing at the gate with my gear bag swung over my shoulder! :ph34r:

Maybe I'm just lucky, but I haven't had any problems, yet...

I try to dress comfortably and conservatively, smile, do whatever they tell me, and not act nervous in any way. If they ask me to take off my shoes, do a jig, and sing happy birthday standing on one foot, I'll do it, as long as it will get me through without them doing strange things to my rig.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Another story proving that the USPA needs to take the TSA problem to heart and really start fighting for the jumpers who are at the hands of know-nothing security at the airports.

At this point I think I might just be FedExing my rig to where ever I'm going, if I fly.:S
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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