
AFF and tipping {Newbie question}

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;)Tipping AFFI's is perfectly correct.............

Please send to: J.E. VanNatta AFFI
PO Box 1790................

(Barry, I'll give you 10% of everything I receive!)



Ok I'll send you $1 just so you have to get change to give him $.10 HEHE
Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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you know as cool as my instructors are i've never even thought of tipping them because all they ever do is talk about all the beer i'll be buying them after i get my license. :)
You'll lose speed, but keep altitude. It will look like you have a choice, speed or height, but either way you're still gonna nose-dive into the ground.
-Chuck Palahniuk

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Jeez, I wish I had known this. I did AFF in February and tipped about $10 per jump, so in addition to the case of beer at the end, the $1300 for the AFF and all the time I had to take off of work, I also spent about $100 in tips.


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Today I completed level two. It was me, my usual JM and a guy who I like but had not jumped with before. I gave him ten bucks and he told me thanks but don't do it again. He said he'd rather see me punch out my jumps than give him tips. I thought that was really cool. I guess the theme at my DZ is after your first AFF, tipping is welcome but not very encouraged.

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When i went through my AFF training I was wondering about the "Tip" jar that was in the golf cart. I asked if anyone had ever put anything in it. I was astounded to find out the answer was no. So I was thinking that I was going to be the first....I thought better...I only had so much money left on the card and another "First" would have run me completely dry. I did my all my tandem, a first jump course and my first solo all in one day. Later that weekend I did ask though, and the response was along the lines of save it for beer or jumping.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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;);)Please, please do it!!!!

PO Box 1790
Ozark Missouri 65721

I guarantee Barry will get his 10 cents..........
with postage due!!!!!!!

I suspect you will get it tommoro or the next day. I mailed it yesterday. Be sure Berry gets his $.101:P:P No it's not a typeo. You have to figure how to split it. maby a good pare of sisors.
Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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I feel so guilty now! :$ My first Tandem was last July at SDC and my TM was AWESOME!! I've gone a few more times with the same TM, but am still saving money for the classes and my gear. I had such a blast each time, but didn't even think about tipping. I'm going again in August, I'll definitely bring some beers and $$$! B|

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I feel so guilty now! :$ My first Tandem was last July at SDC and my TM was AWESOME!! I've gone a few more times with the same TM, but am still saving money for the classes and my gear. I had such a blast each time, but didn't even think about tipping. I'm going again in August, I'll definitely bring some beers and $$$! B|

no need to feel guilty just bring beer. Tipping is not alwase part of skydiving but beer is.
Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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Just returned home and guess what is in the mail!!!! ;)You know,as I said before I've never taken a tip, I've always told them to put it on their next jump and let me go along, so.........
Barry, I'm mailing TicToc's Tip (sounds like a rhyme) to you (Including the 10%)for all the help you've given me. I expect you to add yours to it and pass it on. By the time it gets back to TicToc, he should have a jump ticket!!!

Blues to you all,

James 4:8

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Just returned home and guess what is in the mail!!!! ;)You know,as I said before I've never taken a tip, I've always told them to put it on their next jump and let me go along, so.........
Barry, I'm mailing TicToc's Tip (sounds like a rhyme) to you (Including the 10%)for all the help you've given me. I expect you to add yours to it and pass it on. By the time it gets back to TicToc, he should have a jump ticket!!!

Blues to you all,


Hey that's great but who said I acepted tip's? I'm not an AFF instructor (yet). But I am instuctor. So I would still think it is a tip. So I'll be sure to add more to it and send it on. Who knows maby by the time we are done we can give some one who would love to skydive but can't a great pressent.
Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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yeah, i asked my dz owner when i was going through aff if tipping is customary, and it was frowned upon. the owners stated, in a very cool sense, that they pay them well, and you (i) am paying a lot of money, so its not expected. BUT the beer rule is fully enforced haha. Buy some when you finish AFF for the dz/your instructors.

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I remember forward flipping out of the porter on one of my AFF levels (7 i think), getting stable and seeing my AFF instructor square in front of me smiling away.

Then we fell through my first cloud - all i remember is being overwhelmed by the moment and screaming "oh wow!".

The look on his face said it all - that was reward enough.

i hope one day i can help give people the gift of the sky the same way he gave it to me.


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