
Thanks to the Ballunar Lift Off Team!!

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Sorry for the delay, but like everyone else, life is busy. I just wanted to take a minute to say thanks to everyone that played at this year's Ballunar Lift Off Festival!! For those who may not know, this event is a "one and only" in the skydiving world. Technically a demo, this boogie in disguise has become a Texas tradition - and for good reason.

Orginally designed to compliment the balloon aspect of this NASA based balloon festival, the skydiving has become a key part of the event. Each year finds new talent for a weekend of fun jumps into Nasa's Johnson Space Center, demo schmoozing, and parties.

This year saw our tradional RW competition at 20-ways out of CASA's (and nice ones at that), CReW Dog Ballunar Veterans banging out nice formations and seeing some new sights, the freeflyers added last year were back to show the crowd their version, and new this year were the 2 Birdmen that jumped smoke all weekend while buzzing the CReW formations!!!!!!!!!! Yes I saw the Birdman's video and yes it was pretty impressive.

The pool party Saturday night was a smashing success. Even with food, beer, jell-o shots, and the Booze Luge", we somehow managed to break only a small saucer at our host Rich Delgado's house...whew!

Sunday's jumps were a loaded with fun factor minus a couple minor injuries, and the post event dinner at Mamasitas was its' usual tortilla tossing good time.

OK, so if that sounds like a reader's digest version of an event report, sue me. The point is it took 100 or so talented skydivers with an eye on the mission - and another eye on the keg - to pull it off, and that makes it worth recognizing.

Every year jumpers leave saying "Wow, what a cool event" and for those new this year you now know why.

On behalf of everyone that makes Ballunar Lift Off happen - jumpers and volunteers alike - THANK YOU!!

See ya next year!

Chuck Akers
Houston, Texas

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Damn skippy you'll see me next year! That was a great time, even if you didn't pick me :(

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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It was a blast, the party rocked though the youngsters held everything to a minimum, Team Fun came in last but we had more fun than the teams that did those ahh-- dirt dives I think they called them.
No hard feeling about the chants Chuck it was all in fun.

The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid

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Hey, did ya'll stage out of Spaceland?

Negative - we flew out of Ellington Field, which is about 10 miles from NASA, by air. A charter bus shuttles us from the NASA facility to the airport. Ellington Field is a treat in itself, as it houses some odd NASA aircraft, like "The Guppy". The Guppy is a commercial airliner modified with a huge bulbous fuselage, to carry the Shuttle rocket motors around the country. It is also home for transient military aircraft, and National Guard Aircraft. On the flightline with us were F/A-18's and F-15's. Just a few feet from our slow, lumbering Casa...

Guppy web site:

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Hey, did ya'll stage out of Spaceland?

Negative - we flew out of Ellington Field, which is about 10 miles from NASA, by air. A charter bus shuttles us from the NASA facility to the airport. Ellington Field is a treat in itself, as it houses some odd NASA aircraft, like "The Guppy". The Guppy is a commercial airliner modified with a huge bulbous fuselage, to carry the Shuttle rocket motors around the country.

It was actually created to ferry Gemini and Apollo components around the country, long before the Shuttle came into being. Some of us really are old enough to remember Gemini (and Mercury).

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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