
Need help, pls

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I've started skydiving 5 years ago. I was 17 and everything was perfect, never had any problems with the freefall or anything.In my first year I've made 57 jumps, in the seccond 18, third 8. Still everything was fine. Last year the problem just appeared, after 10 jumps form 1000m I've discoverd that I can't fall more than 5-7sec. I went higher (1500-2000) and opened high in the sky. Did 80 jumps last year and 10 this year and nothing changed. I've tried really hard to be more patient, but I don't know... When I jump I fell like time is expanding and I don't know what time is been since I've started the jump. I wanted to take an altimeer, to have something to tell me that I've still time to fall and prevent early openings, but my instructor told me that I don't need it. I never used one, always counted... and he thinks that I am able to do that...
Give me your opinion and advice pls...

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wanted to take an altimeer...but my instructor told me that I don't need it.

IMHO, bad advice. You should jump with an altimeter, you don't have to have one (I've jumped without one a few times), but all it can do is make you a safer skydiver.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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;)No, but I bet he was from Oklahoma!!!!!!

Two pilots from P-Air are flying into Chicago. Weather is lousy. They are having all kinds of trouble on the approach. Finally the co-pilot shouts, "There's the runway!". The captain pulls back the power, drops all the flap and spoilers, slams onto the runway, locks up the brakes and stops with the nose will in the dirt. The captain looks at the co-pilot and says "Man, thats a short runway!". Yeah, says the co-pilot, but it's REALLY REALLY WIDE!!!!!!


James 4:8

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Is this a new problem for you or have you always been unable to fall longer than 7 seconds before pulling?
I don't know your regulations, but at 150+ jumps you're probably not a student anymore, are you? If so, your instructor's opinion is just an advice, and in this case, one you should consider not taking. You could try starting your count while still in the plane (1second, 2seconds,3,4, jump,6,7,8,9,10...14,15,pull), but getting an altimeter is probably the easiest way to overcome your problem. Used ones can sell for below 50€.
Then again, there's still CReW to consider if you're uneasy with freefalling.:P

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>but my instructor told me that I don't need it

It sounds to me like you need to find an instructor
who will listen to you, and help you from where you
actually are instead of where he thinks you should

In the long run I think it's useful to develop the skills
to jump with no gadgets of any kind, just put on a
parachute and jump out, but in the short run you
have a temporary hard spot to get through.

Get an altimiter and get through the hard spot, and
later on put some effort into learning how the ground
looks at various altitudes and how to not space out
altitude and so on.

These days I have a Cypres and two altimeters (one
on my chest strap for other people), but I've made the
effort to develop the skills to jump without them.

There may be some sports psychology stuff you could
do but that's hard to say without talking to you.


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Frankly, this post smells like a troll. But if you are being sincere, a question for you. Are you a student still? If not, get an altimeter and see if that gets you over this mental barrier. If you are a student, consider a new instructor.


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