
Another ANVIL has joined the ranks!!!!!!!!!

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I graduated AFF Saturday without failing a level and it feels soo good! Diving exits, flips and tracking kicks ass! Did my first solo today, I assed out the door and took an nestea plunge backwards! Did some front flips, back flips, turns, tracking and had plenty of time left to soak up the "GOOD STUFF"! Flew my own pattern and ended up landing where everyone else landed imagine that lol. Can't wait to jump my ass off at the boogie workin' towards my A card. Oh last but surely not least Pink Mafia girls are hottt! Look out free fliers here comes your base, rodeo time!

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Congratulations! Take a few jumps to just enjoy the whole thing. Then seek out the experienced jumpers who enjoy working with the new comers oops! . I'm the guy who disappears.

"Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Aubrey, nice to meet you this weekend at the Elsinore Instructor Burnout Benefit. . .sweet rig you got yourself there. . .Sounds like you and Ed had a nice jump. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Newsie, that was indeed a very funny video....I recall any number of jumps being the "air orphan"....

But at what alti did you pull? I timed the vid, and it was about 53 seconds. Give 5 seconds for out the door, and it didn't show pulling...just curious.

But funny vid. Thanks for sharing!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I warned off one of the team mates at 4000 (you can see that in the video if you are watching carefully), did the official wave off at 3500 and was in the saddle at 2500.

"Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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