
Which type of tony suit for a anvil?

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I see there are many types. Which one would be the best for slowing down a 8 jump wonder so I can do RW work for A card? Also my average belly to earth fall rate is 143 mph. I would like to get down into everyone elses range. I put all in there even tho I know it does not apply. Also I left out a suit with swoop cords

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I had one AFF instructor (who if I hadn't had I'd probably given up on skydiving, he taught me relax and have FUN, gotta love him) who, to be honest, was larger than average, as it were.

He had one of the baggiest suits I've ever seen, we actually got 2 people in it when he wasn't around.

Sorry not really on topic but hey, brings back happy memories.

Back on subject, get what ever suit you need for the disciplne you are flying, just make sure it is baggy as hell.

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I suggest that something that has alot of material ( freefly suit Ideal) and use somrthing to help slow you down more (course material). It just keeps us slower people in peace with our fall rates.
Keep on going and in time you will fall with the rest of use with ease.

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I got my jump suit pictured in my avatar from flite suit and it works great. It's the big boy suit they build and it is basically a Flite Suit with cordura booties and knees, competition grips (thicker...more drag) on the arms and legs, inside leg grips, two layer enhanced forearm, swoop cord system and ZP wing inserts sewn into the chest panel of the suit. It wasn't cheap but it works.


Big Ed

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Hey, you may not remember the post, but search for BevSuit and my username, you'll see the discussion about different kinds of RW suits. You'll also see the RW suit that I got.

Honestly, right now, stay AWAY from swoop cords! Learn to fly your body, if you start "cheating" now, you'll never learn how to properly fly your body!

Also, some high-end coaching might help you out, look into having a Skydive U. coach take you through Skydive U's program. You'll learn how to really fly your body and you'll find a greater range!
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I've got a coupla' friends who are rather large. What has worked best for them was a regular tony suit with swoop cords.

After a bunch of jumps they had their fall rate down from around 140-150 to 113-125 and can hang with the best of them now. One sent his suit back to Tony and had the extra material and the swoops cords removed. Another guy did the same thing but used a local jumper who could sew. The last just removed his cords.

At least it would keep you from later having to buy another suit.


Blue skies,


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If you want to go a bit on the cheaper side contact Chi Chi who I believe is the manifest girl at Skydive Tulsa. I bought one from her and it is as good as any i've seen and she can turn one out to you in a few days or a week. Mine has got me into the 120 mph range and I havent touched the swoop cords yet.

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