
Is it....

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What level are you on?

Goes without saying.. currency is vital.

If your dropzone can't even give you a guestimate on when you can jump again, I'd go elsewhere.
**Those who refuse to live and learn simply exist**

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I can imagine how frustrated you must be right now >:(:S

I'm not sure what would be the best thing to do, as I consider myself a newbee too *did my 100th yesterday :$:D)

Hopefully someone with more experience can give you some sound advice...

Hang in there tho ;):)
**Those who refuse to live and learn simply exist**

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Dear Sal,
I changed DZ's at AFF level 3 because I moved. I had no problems whatsoever, if Fact I found my New DZ (Gold Coast Skydivers) was better..it was a little smaller and I got more attention. I would think @ level 8 or nine it would even be better. Cause they will prob give you a little more attention at first to make sure your ready. also you are ready for solo anyway so should be able to handle yourself in the air. there is also the issue of currency so I would reccommend you go to what other DZ you have in Mind and check it out. If you are satisfied..then jump.

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Unless it's the weather, don't feel bad about going elsewhere if they're not letting you jump. Talk to one of your instructors and possibly have him/her call to the other dz to verify your student log. You might have to go back one level depending where you are.
Good luck
- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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Skydiving is a small community. My advice to you would be to go somewhere else - only if you aren't getting what you are paying for (that is - how to skydive and stay alive.) But be diplomatic about it. Tell the DZ you are dealing with how you feel, if they can't come to terms with your perception of the deal, then off you should go. Just my 2Cents.

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I dont have a problem with the people at the dropzone, and there course is awsome, i have learned soo much.
At the moment they are not allowed to have students land there or something like that, and they really dont know when it will be good again.
I love jumping there, so when it is alright i wiill go back but i want to still jump in the meantime.
Is that the right attitude? I hope soo, im soo confused.

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You shouldn't have a problem. That is one of very cool things about the USPA Intergrated Student Program. If you change DZ's for whatever reason, you should be able to pick up where you left off.

Of course I'm sure the new DZ will ask a few questions to make sure your First Jump Course stuck in your head. But that will only show that the new DZ is looking out for you and safety.

Good luck!

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I love jumping there, so when it is alright i wiill go back but i want to still jump in the meantime.
Is that the right attitude? I hope soo, im soo confused.

Don't be confused. It's all good. Tell them what you just told us - If they are good business owners, they will understand.

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LilSal - Contact your associations head office, and find a listing of all the DZ in your area, sometime a bit of driving will be needed to get the best Instruction.

Once you find a DZ that suits your needs and travel restrictions, contact the CI (Chief Instructor) and explain your situation, they will be more than willing to assist you.

You might have to do a confirmation of knowledge at the new DZ and a bit of an orientation on the landing area, aircraft etc.

Dont be shy to ask questions - I know here in South Africa our AFF Instructors will contact each other about a student who moves DZ's. Have your log book ready for inspection and be honest with any questions posted to you.

Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there.

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I changed DZ's in the middle of AFF. I was on a tandem progression initially at Cross Keys... then I stopped in November b/c of weather. In January I moved to CA and started AFF here. My JM was cool about customizing the levels to what I had done. So in my experience changing DZ's worked out well.

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Do whatever you can to stay current and keep jumping. If students are the issue there, remember that once you aren't a student, you can go back to your "home" DZ ready to go!! I'm sure they would support you with that - we've all been students, and we all love to jump!



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Ive just spoken to my DZO, and he's told me to give him till friday.
If its still not good by then, he's going to call another dropzone and let them know where im up to and that kind of thing.
So hopefully ill be jumping again by the weekend!!! YAY.
Thanks for all the help, im not so confused anymore.

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I changed DZ's in the middle of my student status, but I wasn't AFF. I did the IAD. My old DZ seemed to be milking money out of me and only one JM would give one on one attention outside of the plane.

My new DZ is great except for when no one shows up to jump. Very small DZ, sometimes only 2 loads going up (not very often). JM's are awesome, all giving special attention to your needs. Went dirt diving for over 6 hours one day with JM while on wind hold. At my old DZ, this was either dinner time or nap time.

Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

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good question we will all help you learn? "dirt Diving" is simply the term used to mean rehearsing the skydive on the ground. For example when you practised the exit and dive flow of your AFF jumps you were "Dirt Diving" .Teams use it to ensure everyone knows their place and maneuvers in the skydive.
The term "Wuffo" came about in the 70's or so. It came from Non-Skydivers asking the notorious Question: What For? or Wuffo you jump outta dem planes. Consider the era and the slang speech of the time. ( everbody was jive talking..da da da da)
I have a question now ? does anyone know where the term "Dildo" came from? that would be 1 I would like to hear about.

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Hey just to help you guys out a touch...
According to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary.
Noun (pl. -os or -oes) an object shaped like an erect penis used for sexual stimulation.
Of unknown origin.

I guess you really do learn something new every day.

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