
13 year old skydiver?

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Did anyone see the clip (today on RealTV on SpikeTV) about the 13 year old skydiver in Colombia that was killed when he jumped from 2000 feet and didn't pull? I presume it was his first jump. There weren't a lot of details. It was pretty disturbing and definitely senseless. His parents apparently later admitted 13 was too young to skydive. Well not to be mean, but DUH.


cheers and blue skies,


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Thirty nine years ago I was 13. Five static lines then a 20 second freefall. Probably the first ever form of AFF. A couple more "AFF's" and I was on my own.

My older brother did the same, he was 14 then.


And OBTW.. We had waivers and were members of PCA..now called USPA

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Heh, thanks for the heads up about the repost. I figured it probably would be. Sue me for not doing a thorough search. I do sincerely apologize. I was lazy.

I did not ever construe it as "news" though, so not guilty as charged. I just saw it and felt a post was in order as I found it pretty disturbing.

cheers and blue skies,


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The video didn't look like they had a very in depth training program, but they might not have shown very much.. I think there should always be an instructor holding on to you on you're first jump.. In case you freeze up and don't pull, which I think is what happened to that kid:(

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Mullins' and Nelson's kids both started that early IIRC.

indeed.. i was on Zach Mullins' 200th jump st Rantoul last summer, and he was 12 at the time.

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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Mullins' and Nelson's kids both started that early IIRC.

How? My copy of the BSRs lists 16-years-old as a non-waiverable minimum. Did they just go to non-USPA dropzones?


"Be braver -- you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps."

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I think it's amazing that a 13 year old would even want to skydive. I think it's cool in way but I really don't think you have a firm grasp on the concept of mortality.

When I did my first jump, I was ready to die, I gave it about a 50% chance that I would perish. You have to go through a lot of shit in you life to take that kind of a risk and just go with it.

I think 18 is a good age limit because you have lived long enough to make that kind of decision.

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I remember AirCavput me out on my first static line when he was 14. Both of my children made their first jumps at ages 13 and 14.
I don't care how many skydives you've got,
until you stepped into complete darkness at
800' wearing 95 lbs of equipment and 42 lbs
of parachute, son you are still a leg!

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How? My copy of the BSRs lists 16-years-old as a non-waiverable minimum. Did they just go to non-USPA dropzones?

When you are Roger Nelson or Mike Mullins you can do what ever the fuck you wanna do....and they have and did....RIP for Roger...but mike is fighting the good fight with USPA.

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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I gave it about a 50% chance that I would perish. You have to go through a lot of shit in you life to take that kind of a risk and just go with it.

I think a lot of people didn't give themselves the best odds when they did their first jump, but that's just because we didn't know better. These kids are DZ born and bred, and probably knew more about skydiving at age 12 then I know now.
I got nuthin

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13 years olds are actually quite intelligent you know, although it does depend a lot on the 13 year old in question if they have the maturity not to mess around.

The limit is 16 in the UK, but one of the riggers at my DX has 13 and 15 yo kids, and I would have thought he would happily let both of them jump now if it was legal.

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From what I recall from the last postings, he was on front and back kit, and this took place many years ago, when men were men, and first freefalls started at 2"200ft...:P (We still put our round first freefallers out at 2"500ft)
Swoopert, CS-Aiiiiiii!

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Seriously??? They make friggin dirt bikes for kids, kids are allowed to skateboard - both can kill you very easily. I've met plenty of 13+ year olds that IMHO could handle the pressure of skydiving, its really not that complicated of a sport...

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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If you are with your Mom and/or Dad and they are doing the training, I have no problem with the kid doing jumps. Who knows, you might just be grooming the next world champion.

A MINOR has no capacity (under the law or otherwise) to fully cognizantly, and rationally make those decisions. Nor should ANY reasonably responsible adult (parent or not) have the audacity, nor do they truely have the capacity to simply waiver that away either. Trading that off for the sole benefit of potentially head-start "grooming the next workd champion"?? ...TOTALLY NEGLIGENT, and not reasonable by any stretch, IMHO.

coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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>I think it's amazing that a 13 year old would even want to skydive.

I watched a 5 year old fly in the tunnel last week. She loved it.

>I think it's cool in way but I really don't think you have a firm grasp
>on the concept of mortality.

I agree, and I think that's where judgement comes in. Some 13 year olds are very heads up, some are fools. Only the parents can know for sure which one their child is.

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I totally agree..

And to freakydiver, technically, no, this sport is not "complicated" as long as everything works as illustrated in the manufacturer's manual :). It's those instances where things don't go according to plan that would put even the most capable 13 year olds at risk of killing themselves.

I'm sorry, no amount of convincing would change my mind, it is irresponsible to put someone out of a plane, on their own, before the kid is 18.

As some other bright skydiver mentioned, it's a FAR or BSR for freak's sake.

But then again, I guess we're skydivers because there's more than a little rebellion in most of us??

cheers and blue skies,


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