
Quite a weekend

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Wow, what a weekend.

On Saturday we went down to the first gypsy jumpers reunion at Brown Field. History repeats itself; Buzz first split off from Otay about twelve years back because he wanted to make a better drop zone. He opened at Brown Field, and that's where I made my first two thousand jumps, working every weekend as an AFF-I and S+TA. We went through just about every aircraft in the business, from the cessnas to a king air to a caravan to a porter to a beech-99 to an otter.

A few years back the old operation at Otay folded, and Buzz moved back to Otay with his new DZ. Joe Masalta was talking about buying Buzz out, but that fell through, and now Joe has re-opened the operation at Brown Field. He has a hangar, an Otter and the ever-annoying bus to haul the jumpers back from the landing area three miles away.

There were around twelve of us who spent the day reminiscing and making a few jumps, culminating in a sunset 16-way. In true Brown Field tradition it funnelled at 8000 feet and never rebuilt. But everyone landed safely and we spent the night drinking beer in the new hangar. The only thing that could have made it any better was to stop by the old Argus bar, but alas that's been sold and now does not open on the weekends.

On Sunday we headed up to Perris to make some jumps with Harry and Janna. We did some 30 to 38 ways, all of which went fairly well. After one jump I was in the bomb shelter and I saw a cloud of dust, as if a dust devil had just sprung to life in the landing area. I looked and saw someone just rolling to a stop. Sure enough, within 10 seconds Dan was on the PA, asking for a doctor out at the landing area. Amy ran out followed closely by Bill and Nina. (With Amy and Nina there, he had every female skydiver orthopedic surgeon on the planet there, as far as we can tell.) I took the salad I had ordered for Amy and plopped it in a styrofoam box; she was going to be a while.

The DZ shut down while the helicopter landed, loaded up and took off. We made a few more jumps, with people asking Amy endless questions about the guy's condition. It was amazing to hear the rumors grow about what he looked like and what condition he was in. "He's dead!" "His face was just about tore off." Geez, why do people make up stuff like that?

Janna's group stopped around 4pm. We were planning to leave; it had been a long day. We decided to make one more jump before we made the hour-long drive back to San Diego. While we were waiting for the otter to fill enough to go on a call, Scott came by. He was on the phone to Melanie. He saw Amy and said "Hey, want five minutes in the tunnel?"

"Uh, sure!" She looked at me.

"Well, you can bring a friend if you want . . ." said Scott.

So we jumped and then headed over to the tunnel. Apparently there was some unfilled time at 7pm, and Melanie had given it to Amy and Bill (another doctor who had helped out with the hard landing.) Between the three of us we spent ten minutes doing 2 and 3 ways. In between we watched Amy and Missy of the sugar gliderz do some freeflying. They were amazing to watch. After one of our three-ways, Amy (sugar glider Amy) got in the tunnel, got on her belly, fluttered her hands and laughed at us as if to say "see, I can fly on my belly too!" When Missy got in they spent some time doing belly-sit hybrids.

We left with sore backs after a few beers at the bomb shelter. (Note to perrisites - two Pyramid beers are $6.50 and a pitcher is $7.00; just buy the pitcher and give the rest of it away.) It was really nice of Melanie to give Amy that time in the tunnel; it's one of the things that makes me glad I do most of my jumping there lately. It really is like a family up there.

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Wow, sounds like you and Amy are staying busy.

Mel is just one of those people that take care of the people that help her out.

<----------see the new avatar?


Note to perrisites - two Pyramid beers are $6.50 and a pitcher is $7.00; just buy the pitcher and give the rest of it away

Well I'll be there in a few weeks, you can give me that extra beer.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Bill, next time you must walk up and introduce yourself. I was there all day and didn't leave until about 8 that evening. Of course, I was hanging with a bunch of friends that evening sharing beer. . .very eventful weekend for me. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Bill, next time you must walk up and introduce yourself.

Hey Darcy, that evening a few weeks ago when you, Kris, James, Steve and I had finished jumping with MJ's camp, I was talking with Billvon. He even briefly sat down in the booth next to me. I asked him if he knew everyone, and he commented that he knew everyone's screen names. I was pretty sure that I quickly introduced him to everyone at the table.

Anyway, it sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, Bill:)
I agree that Melanie and her family treats us very well at Perris. She introduced herself to me and complimented my flying in the tunnel over and over again, not too long ago after she had watched me in the tunnel. We talked for a little while that day. After complimenting me, she asked me about my jumping/flying history.

Anyway, after meeting her, I felt very welcomed to the DZ. Her mother also introduced herself to me a few months ago in the Bomb Shelter. They are so incredibly friendly and supportive. :)

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Indeed, Perris on Sunday was far from being just another day at the DZ. Not mentioning a couple of dust devils...
Nice big way, Bill, I trust it was even more fun in the air than watching on the ground!

Stay safe out there, people


"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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(Note to perrisites - two Pyramid beers are $6.50 and a pitcher is $7.00; just buy the pitcher and give the rest of it away.) .

Also try and get the big jug, you can get a couple of extra glasses out of it :D

"This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave

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What a great weekend! I'm still sitting jumpless here in Montana, sniff, sniff. It even started to snow last weekend. sniff...

I guess I can't complain though, the turkey hunting has been good. It just doesn't compare to jumping with friends at a fun place....Steve1

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Mike --

He said they went pretty well.

What more than that do you want? That's less than 10% of the size load he was recently on.

Of course, they only got one point.


"Harry, why did you land all the way out there? Nobody else landed out there."

"Your statement answered your question."

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Mike --

He said they went pretty well.

What more than that do you want? That's less than 10% of the size load he was recently on.

Of course, they only got one point.



You are right, forgot about the other load he was on. Brooks was on that load also. Guess it just wasn't satisfying, they needed some "Janna" jumps.:P
Sparky (aka Michael)
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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