
Wingsuits in the news

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In today's AvWeb Newswire:

"These guys prove you don't need a license to fly ... but maybe it helps if you're certifiable (kidding, please don't write). "Wing suiters" are taking the latest thrill ride to extremes, jumping miles from the normal parachute drop zone and swooping cross-country to the target at about 90 mph laterally and just 40 mph vertically. The special suits also extend the "freefall" to more than two minutes from 13,000 feet, at least twice the duration of a normal drop. "It's really spooky …," Tim Mace told Popular Mechanics after a demonstration in South Africa. "You get to the point where you think you're going to be there forever." And then, there's aerobatics. The sleeves of the wing suit have vents on the leading edge of the arms. Inrushing air inflates tubular cells, forming a web-shaped wing that spreads arm-to-arm across the diver's back. Triangular wedges also form between the diver's legs to form a tail. Wing suiters are able to do basic flight maneuvers and the 15-hour training course Mace runs also teaches barrel rolls, spins, dives and (we'd have to see this to believe it) loops, according to the magazine. Beginners need not apply, however. Minimum requirement is 500 regular parachute jumps."


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Hey there,

I know Tim, and you're judging him on a journo's article.

Tim knows his stuff in many disiplines, was on the 357 way, just won Gold in Freefly at our Nationals and a silver in swoop acc, among other things, and is a Test pilot for Denel Aviation flying the Rooivalk Attack Helicopter.

Our PASA MOPS (eqiv to your SIM) requires a 20 jump program under supervision for those who wish to jump wingsuits with fewer than 500 jumps. 15 hours over 20 jumps isn't hard to acheive, and unlike many other skilled jumpers, Tim charges nothing - and even pays his own slot.

Just thought you should know.

It's the year of the Pig.

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It wasn't meant to be a joke on him, but on the article.
I know Tim too.
We were in Thailand together on the 357 way.
I was spotting the right trail C130 and he was spotting the rear right trail C130.
He's a good guy. ;)

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He is cool.

What I like about him, is that he does EVERYTHING, including things like style and acc, paraski plus all the other stuff we've come to know and love over the last 30 years or so.

I don't know what kind of military pilot he is, but I guess they don't give jobs like his away to just everyone!;)

It's the year of the Pig.

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I read the article in the South African edition of Popular Machanics.The very next paragraph in the article stated (quote)"I (Mace) look on it as a flying course...a quick introduction to gliding and aerobatics," he says,deliberately avoiding the instructional terms usually reserved for skydiving."(unquote).I assume the author's perception of wingsuit flying had in a sence the same physical abilities to that of the gliding and aerobatics introduction in Mace's course.
Just a thought.......

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"He is cool."

Word, I've met him on a couple of adventures, last time I saw him he was freeflying his wee ass off at Vichy.

I think he was a chopper pilot/test pilot as well as training for the space thing.

I guess he's just about as enthusiastic about all things flying as anyone I have ever met.:)
Tim is cool.B|

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Hey there,

I know Tim, and you're judging him on a journo's article.

Tim knows his stuff in many disiplines, was on the 357 way, just won Gold in Freefly at our Nationals and a silver in swoop acc, among other things, and is a Test pilot for Denel Aviation flying the Rooivalk Attack Helicopter.

Our PASA MOPS (eqiv to your SIM) requires a 20 jump program under supervision for those who wish to jump wingsuits with fewer than 500 jumps. 15 hours over 20 jumps isn't hard to acheive, and unlike many other skilled jumpers, Tim charges nothing - and even pays his own slot.

Just thought you should know.


Wow, that's pretty awesome. I'd love to meet this guy. B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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