
TSA baggage inspections?

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I already knew everything that you put in, but I disagree on you're pencil packing item. In my opinion, the TSA policy in Louisville, based on what a TSA employee (off duty and family) was that no rig was passing the security checkpoint based on the 'policy' that they had in place for 'prohibited' items. Printed or written, it didn't matter. They were told at some point that it was prohibited and that became the rule. It has not changed based on the conversation I had with my uncle.

edit to add: Now, whether or not rigs do pass through security there, I do not know. All I was doing was passing on information, nothing more.

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This is all very depressing.

Whatever happened to "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave"?

its been replaced by 'the armed camp where everyone feels secure even if they arent'
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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You know this thing about TSA security persons being ill-trained in damaging our gear when they can check the airline tag on the bag and have the person paged to come explain their luggage is just like one of us getting on a planr and pulling a life vest out from under the seat and inflating it. Both are life-support equipment. The whole thing is just stupid.


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This URL at the TSA website *specifically* states that parachutes may be carried on and/or checked as baggage on aircraft. It also states that parachutes will not be inspected without the owner present.


I've flown many times with my rig and never had any more trouble than some above-average curiosity and a call to the airport TSA supervisor. My best advice is to just be patient and polite with them as they figure out what's going on. Having a copy of this bulletin would probably also help.

Jumpers need to be aware that all major airlines have limits of liability that will not come ANYWHERE CLOSE to covering a lost rig. If they lose you're rig, you're screwed big time. Always carry it on.

Hope this helps.


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