
lost parachutes in checked baggage

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hi friends i was travelliing from Munich-Zurich-male-colombo-bangalore on 11 Sep 2004, after reaching bangalore (india) on 12 sep i found the checked bagge has not reached. after 5 days the airline is still unable to trace out which airport its missing. i had my student main and reserve brand new i purchased as well as mine Vector-3 with sabre, any assistance or guidence will be highly appriciated.
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This is the exact reason that I refuse to check my rig. I always carry it on the plane with me.

And, the exact reason I do check mine in, plus taking out loss/damage insurance at the ticket counter. I figure if they lose it, they buy me new gear.B|

"The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few, or the one" - rehmwa

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And, the exact reason I do check mine in, plus taking out loss/damage insurance at the ticket counter. I figure if they lose it, they buy me new gear

Yea only problem with that is if you are headed to something important that you NEED your rig for then you are SOL. My rig does not leave my site if at all possible.

It would suck to spend a $1000 for a camp on airfare etc...only to loose your rig/gear in transit. My Rig, Primary jumpsuit and protrack go carry on with me. The rest can be borrowed or bought easily. Rig and Jumpsuit are custom and far more important not to loose :P
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And, the exact reason I do check mine in, plus taking out loss/damage insurance at the ticket counter. I figure if they lose it, they buy me new gear

Yea only problem with that is if you are headed to something important that you NEED your rig for then you are SOL. My rig does not leave my site if at all possible.

It would suck to spend a $1000 for a camp on airfare etc...only to loose your rig/gear in transit. My Rig, Primary jumpsuit and protrack go carry on with me. The rest can be borrowed or bought easily. Rig and Jumpsuit are custom and far more important not to loose :P

Good point, but not an issue I am concerned about that much, I have back-up gear;)

"The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few, or the one" - rehmwa

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And, the exact reason I do check mine in, plus taking out loss/damage insurance at the ticket counter. I figure if they lose it, they buy me new gear.

The last time I inquired about their insurance they wouldn't go above $2500, which isn't near enough. Now, on the rare occasions I'd be tempted, I just fedex it instead.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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I hope you have receipts to show the replacement costs of the gear.

I cannot speak for an international flight, but I did have a suitcase go missing on a domestic flight once. After a few days and no arrival I immediately began to itemize everything in that suitcase I could remember, right down to the toothbrush and the dental floss and I actually priced them at a drugstore. When I estimated the replacement costs of my clothes, I pulled out a few sale flyers and used MSRP NOT THE SALE PRICE. I still had my receipt for my new jumpsuit (which I never liked anyways) since it was over a certain amount.

I got back about 82% of what I claimed. If there is a difference you can call your homeowners or renters insurance to cover it if it is significant.

Best of luck, but start writing things down now before you forget.

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Yeah when we go to florida we might be takin our gear with us when we fly. Im really paranoid about that stuff.

What do they say about the cypress? My stepdad is a rigger. Would his rigging license help any? Or is there a card you can get thats like an x-ray that tells them?

--I don't even know enough to know that I dont know--

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The last time I inquired about their insurance they wouldn't go above $2500, which isn't near enough. Now, on the rare occasions I'd be tempted, I just fedex it instead.

AA is an additional $25 to insure it up to 5000$. Just ask at the counter. I'm assuming the other airlines are pretty close to that.

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