
Got my 2nd jump in on my lunch break today :D

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i was in the neighborhood of my local drop zone and i decided to make my 2nd jump today during my lunch break ( and some of my time "on the clock" ;) )

I jumped in dress shirt, dress pant, and dress shoes. The guys at the DZ were cracking up calling me the "corporate skydiver" telling me that any guy who misses time from work to jump is 'ok' with them and a "real" skydiver in their books.


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I routinely jump while i'm "at work" Since there are 3 DZ's on my route I just cant help myself sometimes!B|. Out of my 80 jumps i would venture to say that 35-40 of them have been made while on duty.

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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I'm a self-employed clinical psychologist. I take patients skydiving as part of therapy, along the lines of "if you can jump out of a plane you can pretty much do anything". So this means I get to jump during working hours as often as I can convince a nervous patient to do a tandem, and I get my slot on the plane for free!

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Well done.:)
I wonder if people who work at dropzones get excited if they can sneak in some office time when they are supposed to be jumping.B|;)

Maybe they spend time post whoring at mystapler.com instead of attending to DZ duties?

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Hella nice. My goal is top be contract work-from-home programmer, so I can sit at the drop zone, jumping all day, and working in-between loads. That would be the life.

I'm half way there. I just need to move closer to Sebastian and open up my budget a little so I can blow more cash per month on jumps.

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