
Audible setting

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I currently have a pro-track set at:

4500 ft------break off

3000 ft------deploy

2000 ft------hard deck/emergency procedures

just looking for input what others may have their audibles set at. Thanks

Old thread, but still a good question.

I am in the group with Grant.

Many years ago, when all dirt alerts only had one altitude signal, I had mine set someplace between 1500 and 1800 feet. This was my 'you must be putting yourself under a good parachute altitude.' It paid off in a big way one day when I had a snively opening and was looking at the parachute. see Altitude Awareness

Then I used a Time-Out for a number of years. I set it for break-off altitude (normally 3,500, but nowadays that is 4k). It also went off at 2,500 and flat-lined at 1800 (never heard that tone) I could never tell the difference between the break-off signal and the 2,500 signal. At 2,500 it always scared the bejesus out of me because it would make me think something was wrong. That's the last thing you want when you are tracking away from 299 other jumpers. The one and only jump where the 2,500 signal made me feel good was on the 50-way Night Dive It was ok to pull that high on that load.

Nowadays, when I wear a helmet, I use an original Dytter set at 1800 feet.

I did not use a dirt alert on the 357-way.

I'll also mention that on most big-ways you do not need a signal for break-off because the signal is usually someone pulling out. On a recent big-way there was one jumper that left on his dirt alert signal - not the pull out- just a second before the last person to dock. We left with an incomplete.

My personal assessment of my altitude awareness is that it is better, even on 4-way loads, with the one-tone at the 'get the reserve out altitude' than when I had several tones. YMMV.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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with the one-tone at the 'get the reserve out altitude'

Newbie experience:

When I first got the audible I wanted to use it for the logbook, I wanted to pull when my brain told me I needed to… So I set the flatline only.

When I changed the battery - it defaulted back to the factory altitudes without me knowing it... On the next jump it beeped at me... I honestly did not process the beep - because I was not "trained" to hear it. Granted – it was not a flatline – but the beep did not “click” a reaction in my brain.

I then set the beeps for “time to track” to see if I could hear it…

Now I hear the beeps very reliably – because my brain is trained to process beeps. (but the pull the main altitude is not linked to any beep - I am on my own for that)

So, my opinion has changed… I don’t believe the flat line beep will be as meaningful to me if I don’t practice “hearing” the beeps at the other meaningful altitudes… It took 5 jumps for my brain to process the beeps and get the “muscle memory” built. But I honestly like only two beeps - "time to track" and "where is that reserve"...

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3100 ft - 3K, Clear airspace and deploy soon.
2500 ft - Deploy immediately.
1600 ft - Do something before the AAD does.
"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. " -John Galt from Atlas Shrugged, 1957

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6000ft - Get ready to get ready for break-off
5000ft - Get ready for break-off
4000ft - Break-off!
3000ft - Stop breaking off and pull!
2000ft - Really stop breaking off and really pull if you have not already done so.
1000ft - Get ready to land if you're still in freefall, or listen carefully to see if you can hear your cypress fire.

Seriously... looking at some of the replies in this thread - some of you should put your toys away for a month and see what happens. I'm seeing WAY too much dependance here, dispite what some say...:(

It's the year of the Pig.

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And people are dependent on visual altimiters also. At least with an early audible warning, I will be reminded - early if my visual alti gets stuck.

I think setting the first tone quite early 5-5.5K increases altitude awareness - even if the audible fails - because you anticipate/expect it to happen long before the ground looks close.

The old Paralert beeped for 12 seconds, so I oculd set it to 4.5K and expect to be at about 2.5K when it quit, at least I like to use the end of the tone as another reference.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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of you should put your toys away for a month and see what happens

I did. Another couple of weekends out jumping (it's the slow season here right now) and I should be ready to turn it back on again. If I decide to.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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At least with an early audible warning, I will be reminded - early if my visual alti gets stuck.

Sorry, but I don't "buy" this one for a second. Cliff, with your 24 years in the sport, I just KNOW your EYES are your REAL "back-up". Please don't go & tell me this is not so.

Even with my settings (and I have NEVER -YET heard my "flatline" in freefall. ...once just under canopy after having just pulled, but that's ANOTHER story;)) ...I have had at least two occasions where my alti has either stuck, or been un-"visible"/unreliable, and I still continued on the skydive AS PLANNED; ...broke, tracked and pulled AS PLANNED.

Only after I landed and had the ability then to check my "audible" (a Skytronic) was I able to confirm my alt's.

Exit: 13,000
F/F: 60xx sec's
Open Alt.: 2,300 *(I normally pull @2,500)

You REALLY don't need an "audible" as a back-up to your VISUAL (either altimiter OR eyeballs), do you? Say that isn't so.

coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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I just KNOW your EYES are your REAL "back-up".

Yes, it should be that way for everyone.


You REALLY don't need an "audible" as a back-up to your VISUAL (either altimiter OR eyeballs), do you?

I don't need a back up, but I choose to have one and use all of the 3 available tones.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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