
AFF gear for me....

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i am about to start my AFF in about a month (i haven't sooner because of age) i have been packing and around the sport for about 5 years (since i was young). I have been thinking about what size canopy i should start on as far as student status goes....i am only 4'11" and i only weight 85 pounds....i know the average student starts on like a 220 but i have been talking with some expericenced jumpers and they suggest nothing bigger than a 190 and nothing smaller than a 150.....*note these would still be student canopies...navigators etc.* So as far as safety goes i am courious to know how small is too small and how big is too big?


"get off my nutz"

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>So as far as safety goes i am courious to know how small is too
>small and how big is too big?

It's rare to get a canopy that's too big for your first jump. At Brown we had a rig with a very small harness and a Triathalon 190 for a main that we used for small women, mainly to get a good harness fit. Many DZ's have similar systems.

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I've seen women the same size as you go through a FJC with a Manta (288 sq.ft.) with no problem. Takes 'em forever to come down though. But, that's a plus isn't it.

I hope there wasn't any wind?[:/]

Make sure you have a canopy AND HARNESS, the right size before you jump.
At your size it may take your DZ alittle looking if they dont have one that fits, before you can do an AFF jump safely.

Be safe.

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I've seen women the same size as you go through a FJC with a Manta (288 sq.ft.) with no problem. Takes 'em forever to come down though. But, that's a plus isn't it.

I hope there wasn't any wind?[:/]

That would be what spotting is for. :)


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That would be what spotting is for.

Are you telling me you'd put out and 85lb girl under a 220 with winds anything over about 9mph and expect her to land where you showed her to on her 1st AFF jump all because you just spotted good?
Get an Instructor rating before you make one line comments..........

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I've seen women the same size as you go through a FJC with a Manta (288 sq.ft.) with no problem. Takes 'em forever to come down though. But, that's a plus isn't it.

I hope there wasn't any wind?[:/]

That would be what spotting is for. :)

It's really hilarious when they hit thermals.

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When slender female students arrive at Pitt Meadows, tell them to wear a Skymaster 230 for their first few jumps. As soon as they demonstrate decent landings, we switch them to Hornet 190s.

And yes, proper harness fitting is important for small people.

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Make sure you have a canopy AND HARNESS, the right size before you jump.

Amen to that. Remember the petite AFF student who feel out the back of the harness on opening a few years ago? Horrible, and totally preventable. Also, as you know, too big a rig flys the jumper, instead of the jumper flying it. We use 210's on our small jumpers, with a small harness, but some still "swim" in those.

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