
Headache... from high altitiude?

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I know you can get pretty sick, hypoxic and all, from being too high for too long without oxygen. So, I have had a headache for about 10 days now and I have been to the doctor and the hospital and they can't figure out what is wrong. So I am trying to go back to what could have triggered it.

I first noticed the headache a week ago on a Sunday. One of the last few jumps on Saturday we had gone to about 14.5K and made a few passes before we exited and it made me a little light headed and I got a minor headache. When we landed I realized that others had the same reaction I had.

Can anyone shed any light on whether or not this situation has anything to do with my constant headache now?

I know it is a weird question, but my head is exploding and I am grasping at straws.

It isn't what it could be, or it what it should be, it is what it is.

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It used to be pretty common for me to get a headache after a few jumps, I’d usually start getting one on the drive home, most of the time I’d just turn up the music so I could'nt hear my head pound. :S

I finally realized that I had been getting dehydrated, I’ve been drinking a lot more fluids throughout the day, especially now that it’s hot, keeping myself hydrated I haven’t been having any headaches.

I have felt a little light headed at altitude a few times, but I’ve always felt fine once I got back on the ground. Did you talk to your doctor about possible sinus problems?

Hope you feel better.

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It could be cerebral edema...;) if you were really, really out of shape.
It's something some climbers experience, but usually when they're over 23000ft for a few days - not above 14500 for a few min.

Briefly, we're not "waterproof." As atmospheric pressure drops with altitude, we start to leak - usually from our smallest capilaries, which are found in our brains (hence the "cerebral"- HACE) and our lungs. (pulmonary edema- HAPE)

The only cure is to go down, and climbers recover very well below 10000ft.

A headache that lasts 10 days is an issue. At least it's not a tumor though. They're painless!

It's the year of the Pig.

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Some noted climbers (ie, in shape) have dropped dead below 20k. I knew someone that got HAPE from staying overnight in Lake Tahoe at 7k. In her case though the physiology was terrible.

Decompression sickness could also result in a persistent headache.

Neither seem like very plausible explanations for Lori.

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That is kinda funny, because the same thing happened to me. By the end of the day I would get an annoying headache and after a while I realized I was dehydrated. It so hard to drink enough water when you are so busy jumping out of planes.

I started going for Gatorade to be sure to stay hydrated.
It isn't what it could be, or it what it should be, it is what it is.

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At least it's not a tumor though. They're painless!

No, my sister had a brain tumor about 15 years ago and she had persistant headaches. The doctor caught it during an eye exam. They sent her to emergency surgery the next day. She had progressively worse headaches for months before that, though.

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passes before we exited and it made me a little light headed and I got a minor headache. When we landed I realized that others had the same reaction I had.

random ideas -

Have others from that same load experienced continuing symptoms also, or have their headaches gone away?

Have you been up to altitude since then, and if so did that increase / re-awaken the symptoms, or not?

I suggest finding a doc who sees many more altitude / aviation issues, maybe a flight surgeon type who will have seen many more alti problems over the years, than a (?) GP.

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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