
night jumps

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I did it this night 2 times :)full moon, hd, sit docking, lots of fun, great views

I have put excellent lighting on my helmet (Nightrider bicycle light, 32W, great range)

my depth perception WAS impaired :o
1-st jump - flare too late, PLF
2-nd jump - flare too early, sink, PLF

lessons learned


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Welcome to the club!


I've got maybe 15 to 20 night jumps... would have to dig through my log books to total them up.

Its not like jumping during the day time.

I'm glad that the USPA hasn't "caved" and taken night jumps out of the requirements for a D-License.


Night jumps suck. They are a stunt and I get paid for that.:)
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Welcome to the club!


I've got maybe 15 to 20 night jumps... would have to dig through my log books to total them up.

Its not like jumping during the day time.

I'm glad that the USPA hasn't "caved" and taken night jumps out of the requirements for a D-License.


Night jumps suck. They are a stunt and I get paid for that.:)

I do all my own stunts.

OBTW... what cha lookin' down for in that picture Sparky??? ITS DARK!!! Not like you can see the ground?? Or were you fixated on the glow-stick on your chest mount altimeter?

Anyway, one reason I quit doing night jumps is because of the increasing presure from S&TAs and Chief Jumpmasters at a certain SoCal DZ to wear more and more glowsticks, carry flashlights, lots of bright flashy stuff... yeah, yeah, I've read the BSRs... but I'd rather have what little NIGHT VISION I've got working for me then having to have a strobe or flashlight on once under canopy... :)

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OBTW... what cha lookin' down for in that picture Sparky??? ITS DARK!!! Not like you can see the ground?? Or were you fixated on the glow-stick on your chest mount altimeter?

The altimeter is a MA2-30, it comes with its own light. Don't need no stinking glow sticks.
I think I was checking the spot.;)
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Guess I'll chip in with minor night jump recollections.

A few weeks ago I did my first night jump in a decade. It helped everyone on the load that the landing area was so well lit -- not just a couple car headlights, but a long row of them, shining onto the landing area from the adjacent parking lot. That was handy since I was at three times the wing loading as on my earlier night jumps under a big F-111 canopy.

Actually the jump only occurred 40 - 45 minutes after official sunset, so there was some glow in the western sky although the ground was completely dark, and nobody had glowsticks. Yes "the limits were being pushed" with one last load of high priority tandems! (Let's not get into that issue.) One could still vaguely make out one's altimeter in the air. Some guys with Neptune altis were scratching their heads trying to remember how in the heck to access the backlight control, given that the screen was barely readable in the aircraft.

In freefall I did a little solo head-down practice -- using the lights of a foreign city on the other side of one of the Great Lakes as a heading reference.

One jumper started spinning on opening. It didn't help that he still had his dark goggles on, as those were his only pair with the aiming dot for doing tandem video. But he got himself out of the line twists, not having to jettison gear into the darkness. I guess he had his dose of excitement for the night (without even having to get out his BASE rig).

Conditions weren't ideal for swooping, given the difficulty in reading the altimeter, and the loss of peripheral vision cues with the lit landing area surrounded mainly by dark. But other than that, it was absolutely beautiful swooping, with zero wind and newly formed dew on the grass to slide it in on one's feet...

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Night Free Fall is something else isn't it. Like many others I learned to jump in the military where they have you doinig your first couple of free fall night jumps after about 30 day jumps, carrying combat equipment, into an unlit DZ (only the wind direction is indicated). PLF is the only choice unless the moon is up. The only plus is the great big bus of a canopy(375sq/ft).
It is a great intro to night jumps but.
"Chicks dig guys that jump out of Planes! "

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Small note about night jumps...

I love em, but found out the hard way why you should remove your goggles as soon as you're under canopy.

Nice approach into a really dark LZ. Final turn to land with no wind, about 50' above the ground, my goggles totally fogged over and I couldn't see. Flared a bit to late, landed blind, and performed some interesting acrobatics. It hurt.

Walked up to the observation deck about the same time as the pilot and he said that he had to stick his head out of the window just before touching down because the same thing happened to him.

Next time, the goggles are coming off...

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Allow me to share my night jump story...

Frontier Skydivers in Wilson NY have always taken their night jumps seriously. They do them regularly, they are well rehearsed and they are very safety conscious.

Twice a year they assemble a group of Pops.
We started small, 6-ways, then 10, 12, 14, 15 culminating this past weekend at Batavia NY in an 18-way Pops night jump.

The pilot left the Casa tailgate open till 8 thousand feet, the air was warm and the view was spectacular.

The group is talented and make it look easy.
I'm pretty certain the photo will make the magazines and was privileged to be part of it.

Every time we do this, i question myself why. While everyone else is relaxing and sipping drinks, we're tapping each other with glow sticks. We use mandatory stobe lights. i also use a flash light and a miners head lamp to light up my canopy, just for show.

But after we're done, the beer tastes even better and the excitement and proud accomplishment makes it all worth while.

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Last year, we did a 25-way Night CRW formation at Perris. That was the scariest jump I had been involved with since the Night 16-way CRW formation done the previous year. I'm just hoping that no one suggests a Night 36-way...

The biggest pisser about the 25-way was that after we landed alive (miraculously) on the DZ (miraculously), we found out that the rat bastard video guy had no video, no photos, nothing. >:(

Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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Last year, we did a 25-way Night CRW formation at Perris. That was the scariest jump I had been involved with since the Night 16-way CRW formation done the previous year. I'm just hoping that no one suggests a Night 36-way...

The biggest pisser about the 25-way was that after we landed alive (miraculously) on the DZ (miraculously), we found out that the rat bastard video guy had no video, no photos, nothing. >:(


One of my early night jumps was the first 10 way night stack also at Perris. There is a picture of it in the Bomb Shelter near the computers. I think it was 1980 or 81.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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I'm glad that the USPA hasn't "caved" and taken night jumps out of the requirements for a D-License.

I'm not from the US. Do I understand this right, that you only need a night jump for your D - no night jump requirements for a C?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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