
Aircraft launch - canopy - paraglider

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Anyone know anything about jumping a paraglider type canopy.

Its been done by some dude out in Hawaii with a very wierd handheld d-bag type arrangement. Paragliders have also been BASE jumped surprisingly often.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Gained altitude - yeas, in turbulent conditions this has happened before. Picked up under/in a cloud, and thermals when it's hot, esp with big student-type mains.
But probably not on purpose :S

The acro paragliding comp I saw in Norway this year was held from a helicopter, saw some weird openings there!

Also there are some skydiving mains with some paraglider characteristics, they were banned from swoop (distance) competitions I think :D

ciel bleu,

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Gained altitude - yeas, in turbulent conditions this has happened before. Picked up under/in a cloud, and thermals when it's hot, esp with big student-type mains.
But probably not on purpose :S

I think at Nationals last year, Parachutist said in the recap article that some lady passed out from the heat while under canopy. She was having trouble descending from the thermals even after repeated spirals. I'm not sure if a WL and canopy was reported. I didn't think this was possible since a skydiving canopy is designed completely different. Sounds kinda scary. Shawndiver told me of a kiteboarder that got carried up 1000' and then set down (safely) a mile away (they were still strapped in to their harness). Unbelievable.

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The biggest problem is getting a paraglider to survive opening shock.
First, most paragliders to not have enough reinforcing tapes to spread opening shock from the suspension lines to the top skin.
Secondly, no paragliders have reefing systems (i.e. slider).
The last time I saw a paraglider deployed from a Cessna, they static-lined it.
The key is keeping airspeed low to minimize opening shock.

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Nervures, a french paraglider manufacturer built a couple of Hi-Perf hybrids with around 6 something glide ratio and 1.5m/s vertical speed, which could be deployed at terminal...
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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