
Nationals - Day 1

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The first full day of the 2006 Nationals ran pretty smoothly. There were 60ish 4-way teams to get in the air, and we managed to get 7 rounds in today. Our team ended up on competiton otter 100 for the seventh round, which was cool. I think we sent a total of about 112 otters for the 4-way competition alone. A Skyvan, an Otter and a King Air kept the fun jumpers and tandems happy.

The judging system got a bit backlogged towards the end. At one point 10 cameramen were waiting at one station to upload, putting the judging about an hour behind. On the plus side, we managed to get an extra round in, so there are only 3 to finish tomorrow. (And start time got pushed back to 8, which is nice.)

After four-way we have a break - probably from noon to 6pm or so. Then the 8-way draw comes out, and we start prepping for Tuesday's 8-way competition. This will be a much lower pressure pickup team for me; Amy has a somewhat serious 8-way team she's competing with.

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I'm impreessed you got 7 rounds in this year. Last we only got 6 in on Day 1. We also had some long breaks late in the afternoon when the Open teams showed up and started filling in more slots on the Otters.

Start time at 8 is much nicer then the 6:30 gear up from last year day 1. That was a LONG day, first load at 6:00 call and still jumping 12 hours later but only had done 6 jumps. Day 2 was almost as bad because it as a 8 call and we had to wait until the round 10 for Open was done and judged to get round 10 in the air for us.

Lets hope things keep running this smooth for the entire meet!

Good luck to you and Amy for 4 way and 8 way!
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Good luck, I'm sure you'll enjoy the event where ever you team places even if it's not first place, and if it is first even betterB|

One important question:| Does your team have the unfair advantage of haveing the use of a team room:S:D:D:D


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I'm impreessed you got 7 rounds in this year.

I Think Brian was jonesing to get 8 done on day 1! lol I think they could have done it, considering there was plenty of beer drinking time after the last load, and before sunset.

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Nope. I don't think that either is expecting to come i first place, so we can hope for a tie at some higher-than-expected place.

See, it's easy to be nice to everyone :):):):P

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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