
One More Newbie Question . . .

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Hello Again -

I hope this isn't in another thread - I did try to find one.

Is there a remarkable difference between the opening of the main at terminal as opposed to the opening during a static line deployment?

Any insight would be appreciated.



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my last static line jump was only 65 jumps ago so its still pretty fresh in my mind, the terminal deployments i had on student kit (exactly the same kit as my static line jumps, they just changed the d-bags) were a alot harder from terminal (not painful or anything, there was just a more noticeable jolt) added to the fact that there was now a transition from fully horizontal rather than the almost already standing position of a s/l jump. since i qualified however, and pack my own kit on a nice new canopy, the openings are much softer and as far as i can tell quite similar to s/l

hope that helps, although experiences may differ using different kit to what i used (believe it was a manta 288 in a zerox container and the s/ls were done from a c206)

edit for semantics

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Is there a remarkable difference between the opening of the main at terminal as opposed to the opening during a static line deployment?

Yes. Openings at terminal will generally be harder (canopies being equal) compared to Sl openings at ~85mph. On the flip side, SL openings often seem to involve a large amount of line twists which should diminish when you open at terminal with good body position.
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SL openings often seem to involve a large amount of line twists which should diminish when you open at terminal with good body position.

I've never done static line so I don't know, but can someone explain the reasoning behind this statement? Or is this statement even valid?


PS: What's up Chris? Hope things are going well.

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SL openings often seem to involve a large amount of line twists which should diminish when you open at terminal with good body position.

I've never done static line so I don't know, but can someone explain the reasoning behind this statement? Or is this statement even valid?

Just anecdotal evidence really. I just think its more likely that a newbie will have uneven presentation right out the door on an SL than uneven body pos in freefall once they've notched up a few more jumps to progress that far. I could easily be wrong.
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I've been watching a lot of sl jumps to decide if I should go that route rather than aff and had noticed many did get line twists, they mostly seemed to fall into a bad opening position after exiting the plane and ended up more in the head down position. Think I'll stick to Aff
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We were told to expect line twists on about 50% of our S/L jumps, and my experience tallied with that. Got it even on perfectly stable exits, I think it's something to do with the way the line jerks the d-bag on opening. So, you just get used to dealing with line twists... not a bad thing, they're not HP canopies and I don't think it took more than a few seconds to kick out of any of the ones I had.

And the canopies do open softer than at terminal, but because of that they're also packed to open a bit faster - opening still feels gentler though. But certainly nowhere near as slow as opening a rig packed for terminal opening on a hop & pop :D
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Is there a remarkable difference between the opening of the main at terminal as opposed to the opening during a static line deployment?

If you are referring to "opening shock", there is a definite difference. When the parachute opens, it slows you from your falling velocity to the parachute descent velocity. The parachute velocity is the same for either one, but the falling velocity of a freefall jump will be much higher than that of a S/L jump. That means that you will feel more of a deceleration on a freefall jump because of a bigger change in speed.

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Hey Jeremy -

Nice to hear from you - rest assured I'll be calling again seeking your counsel!

As to your question, I personally believe it has more to do with body position than anything else. If I've gotten 1 thing right, it's the clean arch, and none of deployments have even hinted at a twist. Assuming a tapered canopy is more prone to twist than a square, I wonder if some S/L student rigs are loaded with Sabres or Pilots, as my jumps have so far been on PD300s. Now, I know I only have 3 jumps so far, and as stated before, I don't really know shit.

Blissfully Ignorant,


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I've been watching a lot of sl jumps to decide if I should go that route rather than aff and had noticed many did get line twists, they mostly seemed to fall into a bad opening position after exiting the plane and ended up more in the head down position. Think I'll stick to Aff

Good idea, it's alot more fun B|

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