
Do you agree with the way this demo was handled?

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...to relate the War on Terror to a guy dong a demo into a football field is totally irrelevant...

Who said anything about the War on Terror? As a matter of fact, I equate the "War on Terror" . . .

Political post deleted. Please post political opinions in SC.

I feel like somebody just stole my breath!

ME?! In the same day, I have been deleted not once but twice (and for the first time) from another neighboring newsgroup forum, and now admonished on dropzone.com?!

So, who gets the three cases of beer?!

And I've been so careful.

Oh, the humanity...:(
Roll Tide Roll

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I am the jumper with the flag. Yes , i did not do a stand up landing....


So THAT explains the ground rumble we felt out here in Rockmart.

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I don't think it was handled well at all...they could have invited me along to demonstrate tip-toe stand-ups. That's always a crowd-pleaser.

Eddie, you suck.


My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Ha ha ... someone sent me a PM telling me who the first two jumpers were and I guess I was mistaken with some of my original words. I still stand by my statements that the 1st jumper was in the corner. But hardly a "OMG they are going to die" scenario and we all know it is better to dig oneself out as opposed to the alternative. Plus I really am nit picking with the 2nd jumper. You see him pull down on his rears, but I am nit picking. For those of us who swoop, I'm sure none of us can say we have NEVER been in the corner before.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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looks like good level headed reasoning wins this round. It wasnt disrespectful, it happens when skydiving with a flag. The jumper had two choices.
1. slide in
2. hurt himself trying to stand up and tumble in.

If he had stood up and then set the flag on fire i would say it was disrespectful. Otherwise it looked great.
everyone involved were pros

Looks like the judgemental do-betters lose this argument.

hey demopolice.............authority DENIED!!!!!!!!!!!
and please stop emailing the videographer with your horrible comments and foul language. You sir are low class.
I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll burn your fucking packing tent down.

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I also notice that the videographer didn't post the video on here, Someone else did... which means someone must have spent some time reading other forums or searching on the internet and then posting a link without permission or credit given to the author. If ANYTHING at all is to be removed by moderators it should be this WHOLE thread which i believe is treading on copy right infringement. :P

-Chris Martin

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I also notice that the videographer didn't post the video on here, Someone else did... which means someone must have spent some time reading other forums or searching on the internet and then posting a link without permission or credit given to the author. If ANYTHING at all is to be removed by moderators it should be this WHOLE thread which i believe is treading on copy right infringement. :P

Since it's only a link to the video, vs copying the video and hosting it elsewhere, it doesn't remotely approach a copyright discussion.
Kinda like saying "Check out this really cool book" and posting it over the water cooler. It's not the same as copying the book and passing it around.

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Despite what you said on your forum, I'm still here! Nice blanket P.A. there "D.B.s" tandem cowboy!

The swoopers were still stupid for doing those hook turns. One of these days one of them is gonna fuck it up and we'll be reading about it in Incidents.


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Despite what you said on your forum, I'm still here! Nice blanket P.A. there "D.B.s" tandem cowboy!

Huh? Blanket P.A.? You mean his "Douche-Bags" comment?

R-e-a-d s-l-o-w-l-y b-e-f-o-r-e r-e-p-l-y-i-n-g to other newsgroups...the Douche Bags are his friends (and an accurate description, I might add) :D:D:D
Roll Tide Roll

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The swoopers were still stupid for doing those hook turns. One of these days one of them is gonna fuck it up and we'll be reading about it in Incidents.

My whuffo friends (and probably yours too) tell me the same thing about jumping out of airplanes...however, that's one of those things that I think should not be placed in the "I told you so" after it happens, regardless.

You are starting to bore me.
Roll Tide Roll

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so what!!! they have the right to swoop if they want. There are car accidents, maybe one of us will get in a wreck and you will read about us in the paper. Maybe we should outlaw driving. You're an idiot.
don't try your bullshit with me!!!

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Dude are you serious! You think that they're stupid because they do hook turns? I think you're stupid because you breathe air so why don't you fucking stop breathing! Don't you see what you sound like now! ;)

Oh and by the way, I looked it up and linking to someone's video without their permission is called bandwidth theft... And it is real. B|

-Chris Martin

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the first two landings were perfectly executed HPL's into the demo area. They looked like they nailed it too.

Im sure you have a PRO rating and a lot of jumps, but I do think that you being a guy who jumps a stiletto might not be so trained to see "nailed" recovery arc from a JVX

Don't be so sure.... I've got a lot of jumps (700 plus) on tri cells, and as I made the point in discussion with someone else, I'll be these guys land that way on every jump, demo or not.

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I'll bet these guys land that way on every jump, demo or not.

That's something we all agree on...except Demopolis...err, demopolice, in his predictions. He's trying to throw some dirt over miscalculating swoopers on the field like Jimmy Hoffa or cat shit or something.

I'm just glad he has so many friends around to encourage his assertions and tell him "you go girl!"
Roll Tide Roll

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Dude are you serious! You think that they're stupid because they do hook turns? I think you're stupid because you breathe air so why don't you fucking stop breathing! Don't you see what you sound like now! ;)

Oh and by the way, I looked it up and linking to someone's video without their permission is called bandwidth theft... And it is real. B|

Without meaning/wanting to hijack the thread, I suspect you misinterpret "bandwidth theft."
Hotlinking, leeching, piggy-backing, direct linking or bandwidth theft is not the same as posting a link. There are no secondary servers involved.
If you don't want someone looking at your content on your own webpage, don't put it up to be seen.

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1st - I would like to say that I'm the owner of the www.2020vertical.com website. And the videographer in question.

2nd - I don't care how many times anyone links to my stuff. I put it up for others to watch and enjoy. And in some cases get a good laugh. So link away, that's what it's there for. What's the point of me doing video if no one is going to get to see it? What I don't like is the personal attacks and abuse that I have seen because I did something I love to do.

3rd - I own my servers so unless we near 750 gigs of bandwidth in a month it's not a problem how many times a video is watched. Ya'll have used about 8 gigs for this month so far so you still have 742 gigs to go.

4th - I'm actually thinking about selling banner ads. The stats for my site are reaching levels that support that and I can use the extra money. Just think Mr. DemoPolice you could actually be responsible for me having enough extra money to finally buy my own rig!

5th - What I do have a problem with is people such as [email protected] sending me, the videographer, emails telling me that I'm a f**king idiot. It kind of makes me feel like "Don't Shoot Me I'm Only The Piano Player" - some of the younger folks might not get that one. I love skydiving, I love doing video work. I will do video at other places. Rode with a friend Sunday to Cullman and did some ground video and and a copilot's view while I was there. By the way it's up on the web site already. Brad's landing is funny, and if it had been at an ASC DZ I can only imagine what would be said about it. That's not fair. It's just a video, shouldn't matter who, what, or where.

6th - I'm not the one who jumped, I was just there to film it. And I will be there again and again and again. Some of the landings are going to look ok, some are going to look awful, and some will look awesome. I hope to catch em all on video.

7th - The people who did the jump are not only my friends, they're my family, I will get defensive over them, can't help it, just comes natural for me.

8th - I would like to say thank you to everyone for the kind words and emails. They far outweigh the few bad ones that I got.

9th - I do have one favor to ask. If you are going to go to my site www.2020vertical.com check out my other hobby/sport as well. The front page has a video of my latest rocket "No Joke", she is 3" in diameter, 87.5" tall, and weighs 7lbs. 10oz. On her maiden flight she flew to 11,320' and hit 1026mph getting there. Electronics on board are 1 PerfectFlite Mini Alt(altimeter) to record data and control recovery deployment which is done in 2 stages. A 9" drogue at apogee, and a 6' round main deployed at 500' for a nice soft landing. And yes I have to file FAA waivers and NOTAMS to fly this bird.

10th - Again to all who have been supportive and kind, you know who you are, thanks and see ya soon!

Blue Skies!

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I watched it before it gets pulled like the last demo shot by this same guy did. :D

Maybe he was making some kind of statement by butt sliding on the flag??? Should we move this thread to the SC? :ph34r:

Videos have not been pulled. But you may have to scroll down the page a little bit though because there has been more video added. Newest at the top, oldest at the bottom.

I did lock the page out for 2.5 days until some of the hate mail I was receiving stopped.

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I think one fact overlooked by, at least, our Scandanavian friend, is the matter of the big American flag being used as a super-slide/ass-protector.

Sure, things like that will happen sometimes unexpectedly, but to post them as accolades and pride is not encouraged - especially considering those who have loved ones overseas who could be blown up at any minute.

When I put videos up they are to show some of the things that I'm fortunate to be around. I didn't see any words of praise anywhere on my site.

I served on an aircraft carrier for 4 years. My father was in subs in the 60's. And my step father who passed away on Dec 7th, 2003 served as Marine in the South Pacific from the attack on Pearl Harbor until the end of the war.

I'd give anything to see have seen a stand up landing with the flag, it just didn't happen.

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