
school project

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if I may ask I need some help. I have a project for school and am missing one major point. I can not convince those that believe that the plain would have to be on fire before they would jump out. can anyone help me with that problem.

What makes skydiving so much fun and how safe is it? any help would be great. thanks

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I can not convince those that believe that the plain would have to be on fire before they would jump out. can anyone help me with that problem.

Probably not, as every one of us has at least one person in our lives that will never jump for that reason, even though we would love for them to do it.


What makes skydiving so much fun and how safe is it?

Being able to fly is part of what makes it fun. Another part is the people, although that can also be the worst part (it really sucks when your friends die). For me, a really big part is that it's both physically and mentally challenging.

Skydiving is not safe. What part of throwing yourself at the ground at a high rate of speed relying on some fabric and lines to save you sounds safe to you?

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I can not convince those that believe that the plain would have to be on fire before they would jump out. can anyone help me with that problem.

Probably not, as every one of us has at least one person in our lives that will never jump for that reason, even though we would love for them to do it.


What makes skydiving so much fun and how safe is it?

Being able to fly is part of what makes it fun. Another part is the people, although that can also be the worst part (it really sucks when your friends die). For me, a really big part is that it's both physically and mentally challenging.

Skydiving is not safe. What part of throwing yourself at the ground at a high rate of speed relying on some fabric and lines to save you sounds safe to you?

agreed. skydiving, while incredibly fun and personally rewarding is nothing more than risk mitigation. you are a skydiver not because you jump out of planes, but imho because you save your life on every jump and happen to enjoy the hell out of that world that exists in freefall.

like everything in life it's a matter weighing the risk and benefits...and while some would safe the risk is lower than BASE or other extreme activities (and yes the technology has gotten to an amazing point) you kid no one to assume that skydiving is inherently "safe".

and as far as those who don't get it or who couldn't possibly imagine what good could come out of jumping out of planes, well they should try it. if not, then that's fine, it's not for everyone. but for those who give no consideration to the idea that others find hapiness doing something that they themselves would never do...

well, those are the ones we call "whuffos".

my 2cts.

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It's almost as safe as you try to make it. Student accidents are way down compared to when I started jumping in the 70's. Often experienced skydivers take on more risk than they need to, simply to add challenge or excitement. Most accidents are preventable.

How old are you and do you want to jump?

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Find a local dropzone and go interview the DZO (drop zone operator/owner). I'm sure that he or she could provide some great insight and point out a few good people to talk to about your project.

Good luck.

SCR #14809

"our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe"
(look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)

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there are people who will do it, and people who won't, it just simply comes down to that. I used to beat my head against the wall when people would make up excuses why they couldn't go skydiving. some people would say it's too expensive, then go buy a $5,000 snowmobile. I even bought a tandem for a friend who said he wanted to do it, but never had the time or money, he tried it once and has never come back. you either love it, or you don't. some people get their jollies from other things, we all can't be the same. Just so you know though, anyone who doesn't try skydiving suffers from an extreme case of pussyitus:)

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If you do want to talk to someone in person, or perhaps even try a jump check out the dropzone database on this site for the one closest to you. DO NOT CALL 1-800-SKYRIDE, IT IS A SCAM! They have many many websites that all look very professional and seem on the up and up, so be very aware of them!

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Safe, what is safe these days, everyone compares skydiving to this life or death situation, it is as others have already stated, as safe as the individual makes it.
Such as driving in your car one of the biggest risk you take everyday, your driving on a 2 lane highway at 55mph along with similiar traffic meaning 110mph meeting potential with only 3 feet seperating you(about the width of a casket) 1 stupid move and its over.
And I know you're thinking is that safety is built into the cars today, well it's built into skydiving as well such as : Training,AAD's, Wind allowances,cloud clearances and rules of the DZ patterns.
If followed you may never have that fender bender but whose to say the next guys will?
Just watch out and be as safe as you can, but don't give up living just because it's taboo!
I Am Sofa King We Todd Did!!

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Oh yeah.. I forgot to answer the original question. What makes it fun?

The exhiliration of simply exiting an aircraft in flight. The flying like (not exactly like) a bird. The 120+mph with your own body - no vehicle. The saving of your own life. The sailing around high above the earth hanging under a piece of nylon by a few strings (very tranquil). The piloting of said piece of nylon close to the earth and eventually to a safe landing. Sometimes the high speed excitement of piloting through the landing. The friendly atmosphere, the camping, the plane rides... and the assload of beer and steak.

Just to name a couple things.. there are plenty more, like hanging from the wing of a plane in flight by your toes. B|

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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