
What is the speed of these aircraft?

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Speed can vary widely and is usually unimportant. Except to note Jet exits, high speed passes, etc.

BTW you didn't specify which King Air or which Cessna (172 to 208, just to list some of the jump aircraft):P

Yeah, I know. We're a pain in the ass.:)

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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What do you mean dropping speed? Type of aircraft should be the only thing that matters for your logbook.

Well, that may be true for whatever country you are in, but in my country there is a column in the logbook for 'Szybkosc samolotu' ('Aircraft speed').

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Land miles, sea miles or metric miles?


Perhaps you mean (imperial) miles, nautical miles or kilometres?

I thought it was 80 to 90 knots, which is nautical miles per hour - at least for the cessna. The King Air is a faster plane and exit speed is usually higher as I understand. It certainly seemed to be a faster exit when I did exit one.

A nautical mile is roughly 1.125 miles, and roughly 1.8km.

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