
Thoughts on the Nationals...

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Player-coach is an awesome tool for inexperienced guys to learn faster. Not only because at least one guy in the team is a solid reference point, but also because the coach now has a lot more feedback. He can even give live feedback with one way radio during the skydive.

Player-Coach is the best way to get better, fast. I think it's an excellent thing to have.

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I just don't see a problem with the current system. although it has some potential for abuse, that is true of any system. I believe real cases of abuse within 4-way are rare.

first off, adding a "sponsored" class makes no sense. say, by some amazing combination of skill, money, and dedication, 4 "weekend" jumpers train their asses off with their own money and become competitive with the big guns. but they have no sponsors, so they can't compete against airspeed and since they're in another class they can't go to the world meet. absurd. the open class is for the best. if you're not up to it, don't enter in open!

although they have occured true cases of sandbagging are rare. it's pretty rare that the top 3-5 standings in advanced and intermediate are separated by more than a couple points in their average. certainly that was the case this year. the only time it's a problem is if you've got 1st place with a 16 average and 2nd is say a 12 average... I can only think of two times that really big point difference has existed between 1st and 2nd, and in one of those cases (divewerkz) it was totally legit... they took 3rd in intermediate in '05 and came back to crush the advanced class by like 20 points... I have no problem with that. it was done without a lineup change and with fairly minimal outside support.

in the end, we can't all be winners. somebody has to come in 1st, and it's usually gonna be the guy with more resources. believe me, I know... I took 6th in intermediate in '06. above me were 2 us air force teams, 2 teams from skydive chicago, and one from the ranch. my team was from a mid-size DZ in Ohio that didn't get an otter until july. It was pretty obvious that they all had more resources. but you know what? they were better teams, and they beat us in fair competition. and you know what else? we beat out a few air force teams and other big-DZ teams that had more resources than we did, too. that's life!
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Take a 10-way team to nationals. Only one class, and weekend warriors still have a chance to medal and stand on the podium with Airspeed.

Would that be true if Airspeed practised 10-way speed 1000 times a year like they do 4-way? If everyone took your advice Larry Hill may tell Craig to go win 10-way.

Edited to add: Or do you mean they have a fair chance at silver?

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Player-coach is an awesome tool for inexperienced guys to learn faster. Not only because at least one guy in the team is a solid reference point, but also because the coach now has a lot more feedback. He can even give live feedback with one way radio during the skydive.

Player-Coach is the best way to get better, fast. I think it's an excellent thing to have.

True, that is a great way to train. But I personally don't think you should compete in that formation.

Maybe its just me, but I don't really want to be in a plane with me and 3 other weekend warriors and look over and see another team that I'm competing against have Thomas Hughes as one of their members. You are going to tell me that that is fair?:S

It's like entering a (non-professional) doubles tennis competition and you look across the net to your opponents and see somebody and Serena Williams...

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Player-coach is an awesome tool for inexperienced guys to learn faster. Not only because at least one guy in the team is a solid reference point, but also because the coach now has a lot more feedback. He can even give live feedback with one way radio during the skydive.

Player-Coach is the best way to get better, fast. I think it's an excellent thing to have.

True, that is a great way to train. But I personally don't think you should compete in that formation.

Maybe its just me, but I don't really want to be in a plane with me and 3 other weekend warriors and look over and see another team that I'm competing against have Thomas Hughes as one of their members. You are going to tell me that that is fair?:S

It's like entering a (non-professional) doubles tennis competition and you look across the net to your opponents and see somebody and Serena Williams...

Though I see your point, I don't entirely agree.

The other three on the 4-way team will still operate at their own level. Just because the pro is always ready to take the grip he is responsible for doesn't mean that the other fellows will complete there parts as well or as fast.

When you are receiving a the ball hit by Serena, it is all about her shot on you, and it doesn't, at that particular moment, depend on Serena's partner at all.

That's quite a bit different from what happens in 4-way.

But I do understand that the psych of seeing the pro in the plane might shake you up some, and that's something to consider.

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Take a 10-way team to nationals. Only one class, and weekend warriors still have a chance to medal and stand on the podium with Airspeed.

Would that be true if Airspeed practised 10-way speed 1000 times a year like they do 4-way? If everyone took your advice Larry Hill may tell Craig to go win 10-way.

Edited to add: Or do you mean they have a fair chance at silver?

Take a look at the 10-way results for the past few years and you'll see what I mean.

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Ok, I know that doubles tennis is not really the same thing. But it was the only thing I could think of to make my point.


that the other fellows will complete their parts as well or as fast.

That is true. But you can expect that the pro will be there to take his grip. But it is not just randoms I'm talking about. I typically fly inside center. If the pro is flying tail, a lot of the AA blocks are "driven" by the tail. I can count on a pro to overcome some of my lack of flying skill to make the block happen smoother. That is completely different then having someone who is at my same skill level in the tail position. And that is precisely where my complaint comes from.

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