
Question regarding timing of AFF training/license - does it have to be done in a certain time limit

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Hello all-
I did my first ever jump this weekend (I did a tandem jump at Skydive New England in Maine), and it was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. I'm sure you can all relate - I think I'm absolutely in love. I've been trying to find out about the timing requirements for getting my license - I know you have to have 25 jumps (as well as a number of other requirements) for the A license, but I haven't been able to find anything in the online SIM about the amount of time within which this requirement has to be fulfilled. My problem isn't so much time, but money. I don't know if I can afford to do the entire AFF course this summer, but I'd like to get started. I know that staying current is incredibly important, and I don't want to risk safety.
Thanks in advance for the help! :)

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As a whole it doesn't really have to be fullfilled in a certain time, except you have to do atleast 1 jump every 30 days to stay current. If you go uncurrent you need retraining.

You also have to ask yourself a question, if you're only doing 1 jump every 30 days, are you actually current or just legally current? Also, how much are you possibly learning by doing 1 jump every 30 days?

The more jumps you can do in a shorter amount of time generally leads to a higher and faster learning curve. There is a point of diminishing returns, however, in which you can do too many jumps in a day and the learning will stop due to physical and mental exhaustion.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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That makes a lot of sense, thanks for your input, Dave.
It seems like the smartest thing to do would be to save up enough to be able to afford the course next summer. It was such an exhilarating exeprience, it makes me sad to think I'd have to wait to really start jumping regularly. Darn financial responsibility! ;)

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Well, I will tell you that I got my license doing 1-2 jumps a month. It took me a long while to get it and I didn't learn that quickly, but it can be done. Look at the options and weigh what would be best for you. Always feel free to go to your new home DZ and talk to the head instructor or the S&TA about your options and choices. Understand that in the middle of a jump day they'll most likely be busy, BUT I'm sure if you showed up with a case of beer at sunset all your questions will be answered.;)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Yes, we are fun bunch! I wasn't there this past weekend, but will be there this coming weekend.

I saved up money to get my training, and did it all in a few weeks. But do what you need to do.

Some folks take out loans, max out credit cards, sell stuff, what ever it takes to get into it. (I don't reccomend going into debt)

You could start this year, but as Dave said, if you go past 30 days without jumping, you would need retraining.

But by all means, come on out with beer and everyone would be more than happy to talk to you about it;)


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took about 2 months to get though the AFP progression. last weekend (memorial day) decided to get it done. did 6 jumps. it made a huge difference for me jumping every day. also a JM recommended to me to try to get the last 3 levels of AFP done in one day so you still remember what is going on. good luck with your AFF !! it is worth it.

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Or you can charge it like I am, and get yourself deeper in debt!!! My credit card company must love me. But if I waited to "save up" enough bucks for training, it just wouldn't happen. I barely bring home enough to pay bills; it would take me forever to save up. But I want this SOOOOO bad!
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
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I really appreciate everyone's input. It sounds like the best way to learn is to do a rapid progresion of courses without too much time between jumps. I think the smartest thing for me to do is to save up all year for the full course, then plan on taking it next summer when I can afford it. At least then (when I may want to start thinking about buying gear), I'll won't be in debt (too much ;)). Until then, I'll just have to hang out around here and live vicariously!

Thanks again!

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Definitely try to save up enough money to do all your AFF dives in one week.

Aside from the legal hassles, I find that waiting more than 30 days between PFF (a Canadian system similar to AFF) dives just results in a lot of frustrating, expensive repeats.

If you truly are short of funds, ask your instructors about the old-school, traditional progression that starts with static-line (or instructor assisted deployment) then progresses through practice ripcord pulls to short freefalls. Since the old-school method only requires you to pay for 1/3 of an instructor, it is less expensive than paying for two instructors per dive.

"Until then, I'll just have to hang out around here and live vicariously!"

Try learning how to pack in the mean time. Packing is by far the best paid job on the DZ.

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See if you can find a DZ that does Static line. It will allow you to jump more for less money.

I would not recomend going into debt to learn...Whats next going into debt for gear, then a boogie. Before you know it you are deep in debt and at some point you have to pay for it.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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