
I Spy with MY little "o"

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In the interest of full disclosure and American transparency, does ANYBODY really know what's going on with your USPA? And would anybody be offended if I characterize the private exclusive-bod club as a vessle? May I please call it the USsPAy?

I mean can you even figure it out? Like: Have you EVER seen so much WHITE space on the column as when PARACHUTIST gave farewell credit to Mike Truffer and SKYDIVING MAGAZINE? What's up with that?

Or: Like, HOW did nobody see those BIG cash reserves turning south and inadvertently "causing" your dues to go up THIS MONTH in this economy? Who's minding THAT store? (And how does one become ADvertent? Is that even a WORD that leads to inadvertent?)

OR: Like, HOW much do you pay those employees?

OR: Like How many millionaires with private aircraft for transportation are ELECTED by you and do they even SKYDIVE while they SIT on you bored?

OR: Do you like how they solve problems when people complain too much?

Does this administration remind you of the LAST administration, and the 1 before that and the 1 before that? And that?

AND: Did you notice that it has taken them FOUR months to publish the election results in that deceptively slick and expensively produced PARACHUTIST mag?

How many organizations of a mere 34 thou, publish a stiff-spined rag. One of your rank employees not too far back, left headquarters in a hurry and went to work as Executive Director for an outfit with almost SIX times as many members and THEY use affordable papers and binding methods with THEIR members' dooze money. What a doozey.

And like, doesn't it seem like the paper ballot system the good ship and crew (USsPAy) perpetuates for Board Elections reflects something about our technological condition and election trustworthiness?

Do you have any phone numbers and email addresses saved on paper up near the front of your latest issue of the deceivingly slick and expensively produced PARACHUTIST mag.

Come on! Send it in! If the food's not right? Don't eat it. Talk to your server. He wants your tip money after all, before you slip out the back without paying, Jack.


bangs, bang max-well's silver coffee pot cooks it for your heads

paper hangers need more glue to stick stripes around your bed
A Peace Prize within minutes of Bombing the Moon. Coincidence? "Beware the Military Industrial Complex." You GO Ike!

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HOW did nobody see those BIG cash reserves turning south

What would you have done with the USPA investments, and when?


HOW much do you pay those employees?

How much do you think they deserve to be paid?


Like How many millionaires with private aircraft for transportation are ELECTED by you and do they even SKYDIVE while they SIT on you bored?

Should being wealthy be a disqualifying factor for board members?
Does being an inactive jumper make someone incapable of serving jumpers?


How many organizations of a mere 34 thou, publish a stiff-spined rag. One of your rank employees not too far back, left headquarters in a hurry and went to work as Executive Director for an outfit with almost SIX times as many members

You don't think that employees have the right to move to newer, better jobs?


THEY use affordable papers and binding methods with THEIR members' dooze money. What a doozey.

How much money can be saved by printing "Parachutist" on cheaper paper? What will that do to the quality of the photos?

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How much money can be saved by printing "Parachutist" on cheaper paper? What will that do to the quality of the photos?

Absolutely keep the paper if it is critical to the quality of the photos.

But I would prefer tossing the Perfect Binding (actual printing term) for the old Saddle Stitch stapled binding.

With the old saddle stitch binding, they could make a pull out, quad-sheet center picture when they wanted a picture of a 100-way, for instance. We don't see that sort of thing anymore.

I'd much rather exchange the slick binding for one of those big photos once in a while.

And yes, I did mention it to some people when it happened.

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HOW did nobody see those BIG cash reserves turning south

What would you have done with the USPA investments, and when?



HOW much do you pay those employees?

How much do you think they deserve to be paid?



Like How many millionaires with private aircraft for transportation are ELECTED by you and do they even SKYDIVE while they SIT on you bored?

Should being wealthy be a disqualifying factor for board members?
Does being an inactive jumper make someone incapable of serving jumpers?


How many organizations of a mere 34 thou, publish a stiff-spined rag. One of your rank employees not too far back, left headquarters in a hurry and went to work as Executive Director for an outfit with almost SIX times as many members

You don't think that employees have the right to move to newer, better jobs?


THEY use affordable papers and binding methods with THEIR members' dooze money. What a doozey.

How much money can be saved by printing "Parachutist" on cheaper paper? What will that do to the quality of the photos?


Thank you Bobo!
Thank you Schultz!
Nice buzz jobs!!
A Peace Prize within minutes of Bombing the Moon. Coincidence? "Beware the Military Industrial Complex." You GO Ike!

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So what you're saying is this:

1. You don't like USPA.

2a. You don't have any suggestions on how to make it better.


2b. You have wonderful and insightful suggestions, but won't share them here because we should have already received them via ultrasonic wave to the implants in our cerebral cortex.

That sum it up?

- Dan G

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I see. So you want to criticize what others are doing, but you don't have any expertise to even know if they were negligent, and you don't have any ideas on how things should be done differently.

You're just mad at USPA, and ranting to cause trouble.

I shall cease to take your postings seriously now.

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Dan Poynter that is!

So as we turn the page on another glorious day in the world of non prop turning Very Serious Business, you have to start to wonder -

Who is this guy with the FLAG! Nice guy, does demos (ka-ching) and makes flags (ka-CHING! or should I say ka-CHINK!) But that's not ALL when you think about it!

And he doesn't like Glenn. Sour grapes? Maybe not so sour, maybe they're pretty GOOD grapes! Maybe after all we should be asking how many grapes, and when, and what the fox says . . .

no, stay in the dark, we must obey (MUSHROOMS)

Of course now with the millionaire cabal, it must be USPA (or as I like to call them now, Ewe is Put Away) running things on DZ.com - look, baaa, no hands!

So how many people have the GUTS to FACE FACTS? Or will you just send your food back without looking at it? No, can't do that . . demo sponsors will NOT be happy. EAT UP!

FACT - USPA publishes over 11 magazines a year!

FACT - you can't spell DEMOS without USPA! You can only spell DEMO. Do you want to only have one demo?

FACT - Stiff Spines Sink Ships.

FACT - some people do bigger demos than even Slyde! Coincidence? Baaaa. Eat up!

FACT - the Internet cannot be stopped by a few malcontents! But it is NOT what it appears to be.

Now, what are you going to do? Take action, or let the Ship of Slyde sail over your foot in your bathtub of inequity? That's right, just order a pizza. Just make sure it has MUSHROOMS.

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people that arent active jumpers shouldnt be on the board. They are disconnected from the sport. People that are DZO's shouldnt be allowed on the board. It is a conflict of interest (this is part of how the USPA got mixed up with skyride)
When a board member buys votes by giving away free jumps and then refuses to join his DZ in the GM program, it pretty much made a mockery of the USPA board.

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people that arent active jumpers shouldnt be on the board.

Agree to a limited extent. Who's to decide how "active" you have to be?


People that are DZO's shouldnt be allowed on the board.



It is a conflict of interest (this is part of how the USPA got mixed up with skyride)

What, specifically, is the conflict? I've asked this before, and never gotten a straight answer.


When a board member buys votes by giving away free jumps and then refuses to join his DZ in the GM program, it pretty much made a mockery of the USPA board.

Who did this? Or is this one of those thing that everyone "knows" but no one will talk about?

- Dan G

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people that arent active jumpers shouldnt be on the board.


Agree to a limited extent. Who's to decide how "active" you have to be?

And who's to decide what "active" is?

Is a manifester who doesn't jump active? A former jumper who had to quit for health reasons, but still is around the sport? How about a spouse who's the dropzone "mother" (or father)?

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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>people that arent active jumpers shouldnt be on the board.

I would tend to agree there, provided the definition of 'active' was not silly. (i.e. more than X jumps a year.)

>People that are DZO's shouldnt be allowed on the board. It is a conflict of interest . . .

I would disagree there. I _want_ DZO's to be part of USPA. Without them we ain't got no sport, and they are really the only way to enforce any sort of training/safety regulations.

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people that arent active jumpers shouldnt be on the board.

In my opinion, it's not about how many jumps you've made recently, it's about what they can do for the organization. I'd rather have an inactive jumper with great ideas and lots of time and energy to do things for the sport, than an active jumper who does nothing for the organization.

We should not implement a rule that says that people who haven't jumped, aren't eligible for the board.

The current system of voting allows each of us to decide which way we want to go on that. The candidate profiles list their number of jumps in the last year. And then we can each act upon that information as we see fit, either pro, con, or irrelevant.

Let the voters decide.

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When a board member buys votes by giving away free jumps and then refuses to join his DZ in the GM program, it pretty much made a mockery of the USPA board.

Who are you referring to? I'm assuming national director Mike Mullins? I see his DZ listed in the GM member listings this month, so it has to be somebody else.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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well yea it is now. But it wasnt for a while. He waited till his sons were old enough to meet USPA requirements to jump before he joined. I dont blame him for that but he shouldnt have waited to run for official status as well. I cant think of a bigger example of hipocracy in our sport. When he ran I thought he was doing it to slap the USPA in the face. Kind of like HAHA i bought my way in with my deep pockets and fast airplane, now im not even going to join my DZ. Hell i thought it was funny. I was thinking "that Mike Mullins is a damn rebel". Now i dont know what to think of it. A man thats broke more BSR's than i can imagine is now slingin SIM quotes????

say what you want but he bought his way in initially, and didnt believe in the USPA enough to even join as a GM. I'm not saying he is doing a bad job but THat made a joke out of USPA leadership.

Nothing personal against mike. His DZ is awesome. I just wish he was still spitting at the BSR's I guess. Where are the rebels??? Northern Cal???

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people that arent active jumpers shouldnt be on the board.

In my opinion, it's not about how many jumps you've made recently, it's about what they can do for the organization. I'd rather have an inactive jumper with great ideas and lots of time and energy to do things for the sport, than an active jumper who does nothing for the organization.

We should not implement a rule that says that people who haven't jumped, aren't eligible for the board.

The current system of voting allows each of us to decide which way we want to go on that. The candidate profiles list their number of jumps in the last year. And then we can each act upon that information as we see fit, either pro, con, or irrelevant.

Let the voters decide.

Remember W.H.O. ?

A jumper that wasn't what one would consider 'current' when he ran the ship wide open away from the rocks and probably saved it.

A Washington D.C. insider that had both political and financial management skills far above & beyond what some soft-hat making 1000 annual jumps could possibly imagine. . . yeah, let's keep the best qualified out because how can they possibly know what's best for ME. :S

Michael Jordan's manager/agent successfully runs a 700.000.000 dollar 'business' and couldn't shoot a 3 to save his life...the CEO of the airline company my wife works for, doesn't know a flap from a rudder, but has the company in the strongest position it's seen in 25 years.

I agree 100% with ya John, in the real world it's about what you can & will do for me, regarding the job description I hired you for.
~ not what you may have done or are doing, that though may be in a similar category, isn't related to the specific duties.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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