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Make people do a dozen jumps on round parachutes. They'll learn to spot in a hurry.:P:D

I bet you remember those days, hiking back in.

while it made me learn to PLF i'd really rather not again thanks.... ;)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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> For me, clouds are not a big deal unless they are a thick layer all the way across the sky. I have jumped through thin or puffy clouds several times, and its not a big deal.

Hi Jeth:

I would beg you to reconsider this. Jumping through clouds is not a good way. Putting aside the “Just don’t do it because it’s the law” aspect (funny logic, that) there could be things below a cloud that can get you very killed. Airplanes, helicopters, sailplanes, Para gliders, hang gliders and even other skydivers come to mind. Do you know that sailplanes, Para gliders and hang gliders need to be flying directly under white puffy clouds, as that is where the lift generally is? Hell, last year at The Ranch we had some old guy in a Bonanza flying around the pattern, just beneath the clouds, completely oblivious to the open canopies all around him. When he landed he told us he thought he was landing at Kobelt (a different airport) !


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this is actually exactly what I was looking for.. Im on level 2 of my aff training.. Next week I will take level 3 and it mentioned spotting.. up until now.. I asked them.. where are we?.. instructor said.. dont worry about it yet.. so I trusted him and jumped when he told me to.. the first jump was really close to the DZ.. my second jump seemed to be pretty far away.. I pulled at 5k and got to my DZ at about 1500'... I shaved off some alt and started my leg.. It ended up being a really good jump.. but with out any experience I was a little nervous about getting back to my DZ..
thanks for the info on this post

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