
Heli jump questions

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Addressing the stability issue --

Years ago, our skydiving club was all military, and on the weekends we used to jump from Hueys, CH-46's, and CH-53's. We'd just get the duty helicopter for half a day or a bit more.

Stability was about the same as from a 182. The only differences I remember were going off the tail ramp, I usually made went into a full, extreme arch, and did a full loop anyway.

As for the Huey, which is most like the 500, either jump from the door, or else watch your footing on the skid. You REALLY don't want to do the splits on that skid. When you leave, simply turn to face the relative wind and take a side step, and you're good to go.

As for legality, what you're proposing sounds a bit chancy. I'd suggest you get your friend to fly into a DZ the day before, spend the night, and actually have experienced jumpers and pilots give him instruction in putting jumpers out, then do a few loads. Split the cost of the flights and have the jumpers actually pay for it. That might encourage him to start dropping jumpers regularly, the pilot wouldn't be out any money, and the DZ would have a good time. This would also stop all the finger pointing!
I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.

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So have I. It's still a really dumb idea.

+1 We cant save them all, but if we save just one, I'm a happy camper. i bet you are too BillVon!

+2 If any of you seniors saw a pic in parachutist of someone receiving their gold wings etc in front of a CH-47 That was us.B|

I was going to ad some words of wisdom to this thread but it looks like the topic has already been well covered in the thread and PM's.

I hope we get to see some video from the B| dudes gopro camera on utube,:ph34r:.
One Jump Wonder

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There's definitely a whiff of troll about this thread, but...


He was pretty stoked when I told him it was free, too;)

It's all free ahead of the medical bills!


I understand the consequences of it and I'm gonna leave it up to the pilot.

Make sure he understands the potential consequences for him as they've been stated here. Yes, it's his responsibility to look into it, but you now have information that may change his mind. The fact that you don't want him to change his mind is no excuse, in my opinion, for leaving him ignorant.


I'm pretty impulsive and just wanted to jump.

Sounds like you're going to go ahead with this no matter what people say here, so I can only hope you'll do your research and plan. Impulsiveness and aerial sports are not a good mix.

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There's definitely a whiff of troll about this thread, but...


He was pretty stoked when I told him it was free, too;)

It's all free ahead of the medical bills!


I understand the consequences of it and I'm gonna leave it up to the pilot.

Make sure he understands the potential consequences for him as they've been stated here. Yes, it's his responsibility to look into it, but you now have information that may change his mind. The fact that you don't want him to change his mind is no excuse, in my opinion, for leaving him ignorant.


I'm pretty impulsive and just wanted to jump.

Sounds like you're going to go ahead with this no matter what people say here, so I can only hope you'll do your research and plan. Impulsiveness and aerial sports are not a good mix.

Hi Mike

You mean like Gravity sucks, and the planet doesn't care who you are.

If he's lucky/unluckyhe won't end up a quad, para or TBI.

I really don't care what the dude wants to do.Or says what he did. One yes, one no, I'm gone :)

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