
working at a dz

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Just wonderinging how dz hire people. Im currently in upstate sc, with a couple of dz with-in a couple hr drive. Many years ago i did a couple static line jumps, but that is the extent of my skydiving experience. Do dz ever hire people like myself. I have always found skydiving interesting and have enjoyed visiting dzs. I m in the process of selling our buss. and would like to replace my free time with something I would enjoy doing and being around. I do plan on getting my lic. this spring/summer. thanks in advance

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>Just wonderinging how dz hire people.

They hire people who are the most useful to them. If you showed up with a senior rigger ticket, AFF rating, tandem rating and a video camera - you'd be very hireable. If you showed up with just a few static line jumps it's not very likely you'd get a job there; you'd be at the end of a long line of people who want to work at a DZ.

Do you have any other skills a DZ might need? Are you a pilot or an A+P? Have you done construction work? If so they might use you for those skills.

If not, and you really do want to work there, then start jumping. Get your license and your coach rating and start working on instructional ratings. You can also learn to pack (both main and reserves) and start working on your rigger's rating. You don't even need to be jumping to do that.

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DZ's always need someone to clean the crapper and pick up trash and mow the grass, pick up cig butts, clean the pool, mop up the hurl in the bar and bunk house and over all general flunky duties, if the guy has new found free time and wants to try to start at the bottom rung, no reason to not try and talk to them even without ratings.
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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DZ's always need someone to clean the crapper and pick up trash and mow the grass, pick up cig butts, clean the pool, mop up the hurl in the bar and bunk house and over all general flunky duties, if the guy has new found free time and wants to try to start at the bottom rung, no reason to not try and talk to them even without ratings.

Hey, Strato.... that's my job! The last thing I need is competition. :P
Birdshit & Fools Productions

"Son, only two things fall from the sky."

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Even if you 'plan' to start jumping, get a license, etc, that doesn't mean it's going to happen. Even if you do those things, it doesn't mean you're going to be any good at skydiving. Even if you are a good skydiver, it doesn't mean you're going to be a good teacher/camera flyer/coach.

This is one of those areas where not 'everyone' is cut out for any of this. The idea is to start the process first, and see how you stack up against the 'average' and go from there. If you do well, above 'average', you'll have tons of encouragement and support on your road to getting paid to jump. If you turn out to be 'average', you'll still have encouragement and support, just not 'tons', and if you're below average, you'll probably be encouraged to take up bowling.

All that aside, there's not much money in jumping. IF you can find the right DZ, and IF you can get a full time job, you MIGHT make $50,000 if you crank out tandems like a pack mule. That's $50,000, pre-tax, with no insurance, benefits or workmans comps, and that's if you get really lucky.

The pay is dismal, and the working conditions and job stability is also pretty bad. If you LOVE to jump, it makes up for some of that (for awhile), but if you're not already up to your neck in the sport, it's not much of a career option.

Forget the working part for now, just get back to the DZ and start jumping. This time next year you could be on a 'realistic' track toward working at a DZ, or just be having fun jumping with your new friends.

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Do dz ever hire people like myself. I have always found skydiving interesting and have enjoyed visiting dzs.

Call them and ask what they need. If they need packers, ask them if they're willing to teach you how. If the answer is yes, go learn to pack.
Owned by Remi #?

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At my home DZ, I did a tandem, knew I was hooked and called back to ask about AFF and possibly finding something to do there that would help pay off my jumps. The options were packing and manifest. My DZ had a real need of manifest at that point so I got lucky and they gave me a weekend job. I had to balance trying to get my jumps in with working, but they really tried to make it work for me and I actually enjoyed doing manifest. Best thing you can do is call and ask, the worst they will tell you is no.

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