
All Action Sports are dangerous

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So sad, but even the best being as careful as they can, sometimes shit happens...its life

I gave up back country skiing years ago after being in my third avalance and barely surviving #3. Too easy to lose friends.... or to die buried alive:(

The snow up there this year is a deathtrap.. no matter how much Mad Skiilz you might think you have.

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I gave up back country skiing years ago after being in my third avalance and barely surviving #3.

Dayum! That's scary.:S

To take a positive from this horrible story, at least this inflatable bag might give you a chance to survive one of these...if you don't get crushed to death by a bus sized chunk of ice.

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I gave up back country skiing years ago after being in my third avalance and barely surviving #3.

Dayum! That's scary.:S

To take a positive from this horrible story, at least this inflatable bag might give you a chance to survive one of these...if you don't get crushed to death by a bus sized chunk of ice.

Its not the ice chunks... almost no ice in fact.... its just the snow itself unless you get in one that rips into what should be a safe zone in the trees or if starts high and grabs some rock. All of what hit me was in wide open areas with nothing but snow.... and once it stops... it just hardens in an instant... till then its just like tumbling and flowing and floating along..[:/]

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I gave up back country skiing years ago after being in my third avalance and barely surviving #3.

Dayum! That's scary.:S

To take a positive from this horrible story, at least this inflatable bag might give you a chance to survive one of these...if you don't get crushed to death by a bus sized chunk of ice.

Its not the ice chunks... almost no ice in fact.... its just the snow itself unless you get in one that rips into what should be a safe zone in the trees or if starts high and grabs some rock. All of what hit me was in wide open areas with nothing but snow.... and once it stops... it just hardens in an instant... till then its just like tumbling and flowing and floating along..[:/]

the only avalanche i've ever been near to, once it stopped, the top part would still push and push. upon further examination, the snow was more like concrete. you wouldnt wanna be in there! :S
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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And IKEA is making a commercial surrounding this incident to highlight the durability of their sofas. Even after hitting another car, the sofa survived. Here's the photo they've taken to base the advertisement on (see attached).

(Ok, so I'm a jerk for making fun of this, but seriously? Couch surfing in traffic?)
"When once you have tasted flight..."

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