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Looking for a double-keel Para-Dactyl

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Hey Everyone:  Like a lot of you, I grew up on rounds, made some Para-Commander jumps, and then bought a Strat-o-Cloud.   I always thought, though, that the Delta II and the Paradactyl were the most beautiful canopies in the sky.  I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Anyway, I've talked to some really helpful folks, and have convinced myself that my first choice is a double-keel Paradactyl, and my second choice is a Delta II.   I am NOT obsessed with the idea of jumping a completely vintage container and setup.  But I am somewhat obsessed by jumping one of these canopies, so my plan is to find one, get it inspected, and put it on three-rings in a modern container with a modern ram air reserve.  I'm asking for help locating either a double-keel paradactyl or a Delta II.   Any help or leads you  might be able to give me are greatly appreciated.   Thanks in advance.  

Now, the "why the hell do you want to do that?" comments can begin.  :)

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1 hour ago, dmathews1960 said:

Hey Everyone:  Like a lot of you, I grew up on rounds, made some Para-Commander jumps, and then bought a Strat-o-Cloud.   I always thought, though, that the Delta II and the Paradactyl were the most beautiful canopies in the sky.  I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Anyway, I've talked to some really helpful folks, and have convinced myself that my first choice is a double-keel Paradactyl, and my second choice is a Delta II.   I am NOT obsessed with the idea of jumping a completely vintage container and setup.  But I am somewhat obsessed by jumping one of these canopies, so my plan is to find one, get it inspected, and put it on three-rings in a modern container with a modern ram air reserve.  I'm asking for help locating either a double-keel paradactyl or a Delta II.   Any help or leads you  might be able to give me are greatly appreciated.   Thanks in advance.  

Now, the "why the hell do you want to do that?" comments can begin.  :)

Go for it, I'm always inspired by the youth of today. I'll start asking around. In Anapa, I watched a Russian stand up a 'dactyl landing on the concrete tarmac. You could hear his boots hit 50 meters away.

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Good luck in your search.

I have ~ 45 jumps on a double keel circa 1981.

One malfunction, likely due to a packing error.

I bought mine (white / blue / black) from the late Ken Crabtree (Visons / Coors 8 way team video guru).

FYI, it probably packed smaller than my current 126 lightning if you're looking for sizing info.

At my 160 pound exit weight, landings were soft, drive was minimal.

They have an interesting "malfunction mode". they can open and begin flying backwards, (not sure what the final result would be other than a less then desirable landing). This flight mode can be cured by deep front riser input until flying forwards.

Edited by kleggo

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Someone told me they had a Delta II.  I got it a couple of weekends ago to look at, and it turned out to be a PZ-81, so I returned it.

Last weekend I acquired a Para-Commander Mark 1 that looks and feels brand new  in a shortbow-crossbow container.  I also got a crossbow 26- steerable conical reserve that also looks brand new in a standard belly mount setup.  I have no interest in getting these back in the air, but couldn't pass them up because of the quality.  I am mentioning this to everyone who has vintage gear interests in the hopes that someone will be interested in these.

I think finding a double-keel dactyl or a Delta II is simply going to require talking to lots of folks before finding someone that has theirs (or their Dad's) in the closet.  I'll keep you posted if I find anything.

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No double keel, but had several hundred jumps on a couple of single keels.  One black, which I passed on to a friend, and a white one.  I'd split the nose slider on them for a touch better performance.  Made about 25 jumps on the black one with no main slider at all.  Jumps 1-24 were gravy openings, but that 25th one about killed me, so slider went back on. Some pics attached.  The colorful Dactyl was Zing's. 

Salt + Pepper.jpeg


dactyl-no slider.jpeg

Dactyl no slider.jpeg

Landing by pad McCombs.jpeg

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No, my white one is long gone.  Wish I still had it, though.  Was lots of fun and easy to pack.  Free packed it many times with no bag.  When I ordered it in 1977 it arrived in a shoe box.  That was kinda freaky.  "This is all the canopy over my head I get?"  But it flew well and with my light weight, gave me consistent stand-ups.   
A friend had one and I asked him if he still had it in storage somewhere.  If yes, and he's willing to part with it, I'll let you know. 

dactyl & slider.jpeg

McCombs landing.jpeg

Edited by 33zulu
Photos added
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