Bobby Wilson

Level 4 (stoked)

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Hey I'm brand new at the sport and its all I can think about lol. I'm 30 years old and live in South Carolina. On another topic I did my tandem over a year ago in Florida and have also completed level three in the AFF/AFP program. Was looking for any tips as a new flyer . I noticed on my last jump that I turned without wanting to . Was able to turn back, but I'm wondering is that normal for first timers and what can I do to correct it . Also if there are any other tips as a newbie please let me know . thank you !

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Welcome Bobby!  I'm pretty new also.  I just received my A license last month.  I'm no expert by any means, but I had a similar problem with my first few AFF jumps.  Do you have a wind tunnel near by? I spent 30 min in the tunnel after AFF level 3 and after that I had no problem with staying stable and on heading.  Does your AFF instructor video the jumps?  Post reviews of each jump with my instructor also helped me improve my body position.  Overall, just keep jumping and don't get discouraged.  The more you jump everything just starts to "click".  Just my two cents....


Blue Skies

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Hi Bobby

Without tunnel time, I guess it's quite common to not be perfectly stable during the first jumps and turning without wanting it. But you passed your level 3? If so, it's maybe not even necessary to go to the tunnel....I'm also very new in the sport (60 jumps so far), but I met already a few students who were able to pass AFF program without tunnel time. (But some of them needed to repeat some levels)

I just went to the tunnel before AFF and after level 5 to feel more confortable and I wanted to be stable in freefall. And it helped me a lot.

So if you are worried about turning without wanting it.....go for the tunnel :)

Any yes - keep it up :) It's so much fun once you get over those first issues. 

Took me 25 jumps for my license in Germany.

Have lot's of fun and patience....it's worth it :D


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On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 1:25 PM, jungle said:

Hi Bobby

Without tunnel time, I guess it's quite common to not be perfectly stable during the first jumps and turning without wanting it. But you passed your level 3? If so, it's maybe not even necessary to go to the tunnel....I'm also very new in the sport (60 jumps so far), but I met already a few students who were able to pass AFF program without tunnel time. (But some of them needed to repeat some levels)

I just went to the tunnel before AFF and after level 5 to feel more confortable and I wanted to be stable in freefall. And it helped me a lot.

So if you are worried about turning without wanting it.....go for the tunnel :)

Any yes - keep it up :) It's so much fun once you get over those first issues. 

Took me 25 jumps for my license in Germany.

Have lot's of fun and patience....it's worth it :D


Heading to get some tunnel time Saturday (15min) and hopefully knocking out jumps 4 5 6 on Sunday. Cross your fingers for good weather !!! WHOOP WHOOP .

When I did my 3rd jump I was able to turn back to the direction I was supposed to be looking at so I think that's why he passed me . Just not trying to fail any levels . Figure a repeat level is the same amount as tunnel time so I might as well get some .

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I did Level 4 a couple of weeks ago and I failed miserably. I was spinning out of control and I kept fu***ing it up. Now I know what I did wrong, but my instructor had to stop my spinning THREE times. So I obviously failed. He was so sweet, that he didn't want to "fail me", so we were going to name the next jump 4.5, LOL. Anyway, I would like to get some tunnel time before repeating Level 4, as I feel that would give me some confidence. So if you just turned without wanting to, I guess it's not that terrible, I was spinning like a record!

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Hey man,

I started AFF last memorial day weekend, and I'm pretty new myself.  I have 48 jumps, zero tunnel, took me 10 jumps to clear self supervised, and I got my license in 25.  Every AFF instructor I had kept emphasizing "R-E-L-A-X" and it didn't make any damn sense to me.  How the hell do you relax jumping out of a plane?  I had door anxiety until my 20th jump.  I don't have any magic words of advice, and I'm obviously a newbie so I don't have a ton of experience to draw from, but I do know the feelings you're having very well - I had them less than a year ago myself.  It really is about relaxing.  And relaxing comes with more jumps.  Things will click in your head along the way, and once they do, they become effortless.  The rush fades and becomes more of a challenge - to learn the next thing, to be able to not fuck up the next formation with dudes and dudettes who are infinitely better than you.  Take it a step at a time.  Review the videos from your instructors, and try to tackle one thing at a time.  It'll all click eventually.  I've been told tunnel is super helpful - I just haven't found the time to drive to chicago and actually do it yet.  Best of luck, and I look forward to maybe bumping into you at a boogie someday!

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Im only on jump 9 so I guess I can't say much. I haven't had an issue spinning yet but sure it'll happen. I just relax an keep the arch position in mind at all times. Tunnel time is golden. I spent 1 hour so far in one an would like to go back but it's in KC an Im in NE so it's a bit of a drive so I wait till others go so I can hitch a ride. lol. Come to Redemption Boogie if you can make it. I'll jump with you anytime.


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