
Re: [billvon] Gas prices

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> I work as a courier and the Prop 6 tax alone costs me $4.50 a week.

But as a courier, the loss of drivable roads and bridges might cost you a lot more. It's a tradeoff.

Only on the left coast can that be an either/or proposition. You guys sure love your taxes.

This year in Ohio there was only 1 statewide issue...the decriminalization of opioids. I predict it will go down resoundingly.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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>Only on the left coast can that be an either/or proposition. You guys sure love your taxes.

Not either-or at all. You can spend less money on roads. They will tend to get worse. You can spend more money on roads. They will tend to get better. Pretty simple.

>This year in Ohio there was only 1 statewide issue...the decriminalization of opioids.
>I predict it will go down resoundingly.

You guys sure love your big, strong-arm governments!

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>Only on the left coast can that be an either/or proposition. You guys sure love your taxes.

Not either-or at all. You can spend less money on roads. They will tend to get worse. You can spend more money on roads. They will tend to get better. Pretty simple.

>This year in Ohio there was only 1 statewide issue...the decriminalization of opioids.
>I predict it will go down resoundingly.

You guys sure love your big, strong-arm governments!

Really? You want to compare how much the government of Ohio is up in your biz compared to California?
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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You guys sure love your taxes.

While everyone likes the idea of 'lower taxes' in general that only goes so far. Take the idea to the extreme - NO TAXES FOR EVERYONE!!! Hooray! It's a giant win for the public until society collapses...
Taxes have to exist and they have to be realistic to do the job they're intended for. That isn't liking taxes, it's just not burying my head in the sand and hoping the next dam to fail or bridge to to collapse doesn't affect me.

I choose to pay for a resource that I use every day to a level that will keep it in good repair. My wife and I have bent a wheel each in the last few years because of potholes... that's the cost of underfunded roads. At nearly a grand a piece to repair these taxes will take a long time to rack up to that personal cost.

Infrastructure repair across the US is criminally underfunded and it's never pushed as a big deal because it's not as sexy an issue as opening a hospital or school with a politicians name on it.

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You guys sure love your taxes..

And as a welfare state for federal taxes maybe you guys could do with paying your way a bit more before laughing at those who, you know, subsidize your services through our much loved taxes...

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*** You guys sure love your taxes.

While everyone likes the idea of 'lower taxes' in general that only goes so far. Take the idea to the extreme - NO TAXES FOR EVERYONE!!! Hooray! It's a giant win for the public until society collapses...
Taxes have to exist and they have to be realistic to do the job they're intended for. That isn't liking taxes, it's just not burying my head in the sand and hoping the next dam to fail or bridge to to collapse doesn't affect me.

I choose to pay for a resource that I use every day to a level that will keep it in good repair. My wife and I have bent a wheel each in the last few years because of potholes... that's the cost of underfunded roads. At nearly a grand a piece to repair these taxes will take a long time to rack up to that personal cost.

Infrastructure repair across the US is criminally underfunded and it's never pushed as a big deal because it's not as sexy an issue as opening a hospital or school with a politicians name on it.

No one debates the necessitates of taxes. It's about how efficient the government is with taxes. To some people, the solution to a financial problem is "How can we get more for our money?" to others the answer to the same problem is "how can we get more money?" California has a long history of being abysmally inefficient with their cash. The tax rate is through the roof, but overall the state is in a pretty shitty state, as it always has been. Just about every other state charges less in taxes per resident and has a higher living quality (relating to things directly effected by government spending anyway). Blue states in general seem to have the general process that the solution to any problem is to just charge more in taxes.

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>Blue states in general seem to have the general process that the solution to any
>problem is to just charge more in taxes.

Well, they have to. Red states get lots of welfare from the federal government. Blue states pay more in federal taxes than they take in. So that money differential has to come from somewhere.

>California has a long history of being abysmally inefficient with their cash.

Yep. So much of it goes to DC. Hard to blame California for that, though.

>The tax rate is through the roof, but overall the state is in a pretty shitty state, as it
>always has been.

Been great for us. Skydiving, surfing, skiing, good weather year-round. Fortunately, people are free to leave if they don't like it. (Would help with traffic.)

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