
Iraqi Airspace

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With Russia launching airstrikes targeting Syria from Irainian bases, I was wondering how they were getting there. They would have to fly over turkey or Iraq to get to Syria. It turns out the Iraqi Pm gave Russia permission to use its airspace.

Am I the only one that finds it incredibly odd, that after spending, what I assume is now trillions of US dollars and thousands of American lives, that they now let Russia use their airspace?


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Do you really think it is in America's interest for Assad to lose control of Syria? Who do you suppose the new rulers would be? That's why Obama keeps saying "Assad must go" but does absolutely nothing at all to make it happen. The hypocrisy of the charade going on over Syria is mind boggling to behold.
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Do you really think it is in America's interest for Assad to lose control of Syria? Who do you suppose the new rulers would be? That's why Obama keeps saying "Assad must go" but does absolutely nothing at all to make it happen. The hypocrisy of the charade going on over Syria is mind boggling to behold.

All I'm saying is that it's ironic that the Russian Air Force, is now flying over Iraqi airspace and US troops, to be bombing anti-Assad rebel groups that are trained and supplied by the US.

The whole situation in the ME just keeps getting more and more bizarre.

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Am I the only one that finds it incredibly odd, that after spending, what I assume is now trillions of US dollars and thousands of American lives, that they now let Russia use their airspace?

You seem to be under the mistaken assumption that Iraq and the USA are the same thing. They're not. Iraq didn't spend trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives, the U.S. did. But the U.S. doesn't control Iraqi airspace, Iraq does.

So what's odd?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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The entire political/ideaological landscape of the Middle East is based on who made the best promise - last. And, will change again with the next bigger new promise.

That's it. Nothing more.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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The Iraqis were cool with it as long as it wasn't being widely reported in the press. The Iraqis have a long history of non-cooperation in letting others use their bases. I actually kind of admire that stance for a few reasons. This exception was a silly move on their part.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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