
The EU election results

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Because people are unwilling to take any personal responsibility over their actions and would rather blame some external entity. Greece is perfect example of this. Those people have been living like pigs in shit, spending other people's monies and getting into shit ton of debt. Once the EU stepped in and told them they need to harden the fuck up, they reacted like a diabetic kid on sugar high whose candy has been taken away.
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Anyone wonder why the major players voted for the far right.


The only "major players" who voted far right are France and the UK. If the UK is major player is debatable since they do not even have the Euro and have a lot other special rules...

Even the countries where the EU had a supposedly negative effect voted left or far left.


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So not trying to start anything here....but does that mean that Egland AND France aren't major players?

No, they are. Just that the UK is very much against the EU and has been, pretty much from the beginning. France can definitely be considered a major player.

Maybe I overreacted but OP made it sound like there was a major right shift, surprisingly it didn't happen.

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So not trying to start anything here....but does that mean that Egland AND France aren't major players?

No, they are. Just that the UK is very much against the EU and has been, pretty much from the beginning. France can definitely be considered a major player.

Maybe I overreacted but OP made it sound like there was a major right shift, surprisingly it didn't happen.

Hold on a minute, I'll come back with an answer, but at the mo I'm tied up with loads of work.

Gone fishing

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Because people are unwilling to take any personal responsibility over their actions and would rather blame some external entity. Greece is perfect example of this. Those people have been living like pigs in shit, spending other people's monies and getting into shit ton of debt. Once the EU stepped in and told them they need to harden the fuck up, they reacted like a diabetic kid on sugar high whose candy has been taken away.

what a shame - But I can see why - I thought the advertised strategy was:

1 - join the EU
2 - be recklessly spendy children
3 - go dangerously in debt
4 - everyone vote for Germany to bail them out

hell 10 or twelve countries do this and pretty soon you have a real problem - and no one likes the idea of upsetting Germany for that matter too

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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So not trying to start anything here....but does that mean that Egland AND France aren't major players?

No, they are. Just that the UK is very much against the EU and has been, pretty much from the beginning. France can definitely be considered a major player.

Maybe I overreacted but OP made it sound like there was a major right shift, surprisingly it didn't happen.

Well, in fairness to the OP, when the vote was first announced, that's the way the collective news media were initially reporting it: https://www.google.com/#q=eu+vote+right

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So not trying to start anything here....but does that mean that Egland AND France aren't major players?

No, they are. Just that the UK is very much against the EU and has been, pretty much from the beginning. France can definitely be considered a major player.

Maybe I overreacted but OP made it sound like there was a major right shift, surprisingly it didn't happen.

Well, in fairness to the OP, when the vote was first announced, that's the way the collective news media were initially reporting it: https://www.google.com/#q=eu+vote+right

They do that here too.
Just in reverse.

The media LOVES obama?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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