
Comprehensive Pro-Gun Bill Georgia Law 23 Apr 14

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According to the www.bjs.gov/content/pub/press/fshbopc0510pr.cfm Department of Justice, some 230,000 guns are reported stolen every year. Since we may reasonably assume that only legal gun owners would report the theft, that not all thefts are reported, and that the theft is committed by a criminal, it would seem that legal gun owners are doing a fine job of equipping prohibited persons with guns.

so .1% are stolen each year. Or in an entire decade, 1%!

In any event, it sounds like you'd blame rape victims for being careless with their entire, and causing the unwanted pregnancy problem in America.

There is a difference between blaming and stating a simple fact.

there could be, but Kallend removed any possible doubt in his reply.

'Damn bitches and their miniskirts!'

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According to the www.bjs.gov/content/pub/press/fshbopc0510pr.cfm Department of Justice, some 230,000 guns are reported stolen every year. Since we may reasonably assume that only legal gun owners would report the theft, that not all thefts are reported, and that the theft is committed by a criminal, it would seem that legal gun owners are doing a fine job of equipping prohibited persons with guns.

so .1% are stolen each year. Or in an entire decade, 1%!

In any event, it sounds like you'd blame rape victims for being careless with their entire, and causing the unwanted pregnancy problem in America.

There is a difference between blaming and stating a simple fact.

there could be, but Kallend removed any possible doubt in his reply.

'Damn bitches and their miniskirts!'

lol. Ok kelp, whatever makes you feel superior.

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lol. Ok kelp, whatever makes you feel superior.

I see an amazing lack of content in your reply, yet again. I'd love to see your attempt to argue that he did not in fact blame gun owners for the actions of criminals, as he has been doing for years.

Yet he's never blamed the owners of delivery vans when bad guys steal their cars and commit crimes.

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I see

Yes, we all know what you see. We also know that you believe that what you see is always right. You are just as steadfast as rushmc. Once taken a position, it won't change...ever.

You and him would make good dance partners...I suggest a twist.

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There is a difference between blaming and stating a simple fact.


Legal gun owners, by their carelessness, are arming criminals to the tune of nearly 1/4 MILLION guns every year.

It's pretty well established that one of kallend's hobbies on this forum is not implying things, but stating that a 1/4 million (sorry, MILLION) guns come into the hands of criminals by way of legal gun owners' carelessness is a clear indictment of victims of theft.

But it doesn't matter. Some were careless, some were not. Even if the issue is examined/discussed further, what will happen is not an agreement to do sensible things to fix that issue. What will happen is the use of anecdotes, people's imagination, and wild sweeping generalizations to rationalize support for political candidates on both sides who have their heads in their asses and couldn't be bothered to listen to the few of us who, regardless of what letter is next to their name, actually write them with concerns about what is and what isn't being done.

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I see

Yes, we all know what you see. We also know that you believe that what you see is always right. You are just as steadfast as rushmc. Once taken a position, it won't change...ever.

You and him would make good dance partners...I suggest a twist.

So now you've degrading yourself from making vacuous statements to truncating mine to two words as a straw man to reply to. The most pathetic aspect of this is that it's for one of the weakest arguments ever. There's no ambiguity over what Kallend said, yet you still can't help yourself.

and nothing you wrote doesn't apply to yourself, who proudly ignores facts even when presented to you. Rather than address them, you dodge them entirely...and that's the difference between you and I.

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