
Are you a RINO???

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Your first article says that voter turnout was as high as 97 percent in some districts. The only way they get to "greater than 100 percent" is assuming that the rolls are filled with dead people, something they provide no evidence for.

Your second articles makes the declaration of greater than 100 percent turnout based on the statement of a local Republican official, again, without evidence.

I'm not saying that elections in Philly are on the up-and-up, just that it is hard to confirm the meme that Democrats are rigging the elections when there is little or no evidence provided.

- Dan G

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So, since you have always had that standard, it's easy to see it as non threatening. Over here it is a deliberate attempt to suppress the vote from an undesired part of the population. The right wants to eliminate the ability for the left ( what's left of the left ) to vote. That is their intent, pure and simple. Eliminate the ability of their opposition to participate and they coast to single party rule.

They have a long history of "SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS" and they are usually provided for by the government.

Here in good ole Murica all the papers can get to be pretty spendy for the myriad documents to prove who you are for all the varied forms of government.

Make them free for every American as part of the SOCIAL contract that forms a civilized society.

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I'm not saying that elections in Philly are on the up-and-up, just that it is hard to confirm the meme that Democrats are rigging the elections when there is little or no evidence provided.

DanG, I honestly don't think they are capable of swing federal elections even if they are "voting for dead people". I do think it's a valid concern. I also think, at this point in time, that it is a a reasonable expectation to present some type of appropriate id before voting.
We are all engines of karma

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...for every American ...

That we can agree on.

How much do all your Papers cost... for all the ID you need for all aspect of your life

Passport PAY LOTS
Want a copy of your Birth Certificate.... PAY thru the nose
Court Documents.... Really Pay thru the nose for a copy

See where I am going.

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***So, since you have always had that standard, it's easy to see it as non threatening. Over here it is a deliberate attempt to suppress the vote from an undesired part of the population. The right wants to eliminate the ability for the left ( what's left of the left ) to vote. That is their intent, pure and simple. Eliminate the ability of their opposition to participate and they coast to single party rule.

They have a long history of "SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS" and they are usually provided for by the government.

Here in good ole Murica all the papers can get to be pretty spendy for the myriad documents to prove who you are for all the varied forms of government.

Make them free for every American as part of the SOCIAL contract that forms a civilized society.

At least in Finland they're not provided for by the government. Both the official governmental ID card and passport are valid for 5 years and cost 53€/48€ (~73$/66$) respectively to renew. I don't consider that expensive.
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

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"Help us (well, at least some of us) understand what makes you think this? "

I guess we read different things. As one example, did you hear about the woman convicted of this in Chicago recently?

I live in the voter fraud capital of Virginia. Guess which party is doing everything they can to suppress the vote?

"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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******So, since you have always had that standard, it's easy to see it as non threatening. Over here it is a deliberate attempt to suppress the vote from an undesired part of the population. The right wants to eliminate the ability for the left ( what's left of the left ) to vote. That is their intent, pure and simple. Eliminate the ability of their opposition to participate and they coast to single party rule.

They have a long history of "SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS" and they are usually provided for by the government.

Here in good ole Murica all the papers can get to be pretty spendy for the myriad documents to prove who you are for all the varied forms of government.

Make them free for every American as part of the SOCIAL contract that forms a civilized society.

At least in Finland they're not provided for by the government. Both the official governmental ID card and passport are valid for 5 years and cost 53€/48€ (~73$/66$) respectively to renew. I don't consider that expensive.

To a lot of the people... the poor and the elderly living in abject poverty... that is a lot of money that is not food or shelter.

The point is.. our GOP does not want these people to vote. It goes back to most of the conservatives being in extreme butthurt over remoing all the Jim Crow laws .

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