
The Rise of the Pseudo-Revolutionary Hipster

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I have avoided posting here in a while, but this has been grinding my gears for a while now and I need a good vent on the topic.

I've always identified as very much on the left side of politics, despite my love for firearms, meat and a few other things that my other friends seem to look down on.

But otherwise I have always been very liberal about issues. But I find myself now frustrated at what I am seeing taking shape. Thanks to hipsters and tumblr, there is now a very large group of militant left-wing ideas becoming extremely popular. And many of them I find myself wanting to distance myself from.

Feminism was a great movement, it was something that was needed for ages. And the second wave movement in the middle half of the 20th century was imperative for progression and equality. There were real violations in gender equality and women were treated lower than human. I am proud of the women who fought for those rights.

Though this brings us to now...

Thanks to the tumblr generation of hipsters, who spreads messages of ideological revolution via micro-blogs. We now find ourselves suffering an influx of third wave feminism that focuses on issues that shouldn't even be issues.

You will find blogs about how children's cartoon shows are sexist because the females in the shows do female things, and wear pink. God forbid that there be a difference in gender, despite the completely different genetic make-up! I remember reading a blog post about My Little Pony where the author stated the show was both sexist and racist, because some of the guard ponies serving the princess were of a darker shade of grey. And because it perpetuated the idea that girls just wanted to be princesses and let us not forget the mention of the oppressive monarchy the ponies find themselves in!

It is this type of thinking that is becoming more and more prevalent each day. And it's driving me insane.

In the past 3 days I have seen 5 Facebook posts and 3 websites discussing how women should stop shaving their pubic hair. Not how it's okay for one to make their own choice about it, but actively and with open bias expressing how women should do it. They either exaggerate the risks involved (which exist for shaving ones face most of the time too), or they try use how it's oppressive peer pressure from society that's causing women to shave.

On this topic, I believe grooming should be completely up to an individual and their partner. Personally, I find getting a mouth full of hair tends to destroy the moment and I'm not a big fan of picking in my teeth during sexual intercourse. The same way though that I extend the same courtesy to my girlfriend, who luckily sees this the same way I do.

I read an article yesterday stating that more and more women 'couldn't be bothered' to shave. Now that's fair enough one has the right to not be bothered to do stuff. But I can assure you that if I wasn't bothered to cut my nails for a few weeks, the same women who are now shouting in victory for the liberation of pubic hair, would be the ones saying "Gross, you should cut your nails".

This movement extends far further than just the decoration on your body though. This same movement has been seeking to find issues where issues do not exist, if a white man insults a black man it's automatically a racist issue and we need to start a riot. And I am one who strongly believes there is a lot of racial oppression that still takes place, and depending where you're located in the world, it could be white or it could be black. And I completely support the idea of doing away with that. My problem however is that these tumblrites people do not want to address the real issues. Instead they would prefer to try and find hints of inequality where it doesn't exist and then make an animated gif about it.

There is a reason why many of the 2nd wave feminist veterans hate the third wave movement. Because they see it as though women achieved the goals they sought out to achieve in becoming an equal gender. They see the modern third wave as damaging to the feminist movement because it's no longer seeking equality, it's seeking inequality by moving it in the opposite realm of the oppression they had. Instead, looking to give women 'special rights'.

I should note that I also believe there are areas where the treatment of women does need to be addressed. But at this point in time, my main issue with these tumblrites morons is that they would sooner fight for the representation of women outside of a 'gender role' in cartoons. Than they would fight for the fact that women in some Middle Eastern countries are undergoing real oppression and suffering. It seems selfish and a kick in the face to the feminist movement itself.

These actions, which are becoming more and more prevalent now. Have lead me to want to escape the tag of a liberal and in areas where I used to consider myself a fairly militant far-left liberal I now feel like I'm being nudged closer to the middle. Not because of any change in my view, but the left is pushing so far that they're turning from set of ideals and beliefs into a set of ultimate bat-shit crazies. That's not to say that doesn't happen on the other side at the far end of the right too, because it certainly does, in polar opposite.

It feels like instead of people coming towards a center point where rationality is aligned with the realization of real issues that exist. We find the spectrum of right and left politics moving further and further into the extremes on either side.

Though who knows, maybe it's required to scare us sane people towards that center point.

TL;DR - People are idiots.

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I think there is a portion of the population of 'feminists' who are not pro-woman so much as anti-men. Insisting that other women groom themselves as required by others may fit that sub-section.

I knew a woman who considered herself a feminist. She would make a show of refusing to walk through a door if a man held it open. She would watch other men walk through that door that was being held by a man, but she would stop and stare at the man holding the door. This did not make her equal. If she were equal, she would have walked through with the others.

I've long maintained that many of the ethnocentristic qualities of US society have been beaten down. Some lingering undertones remain, but I think they would die a natural death if not fed. I see most of the 'up with my race / gender / religion / etc' groups as highlighting differences and feeding the undertones. They no longer seek equality. They seek an edge. That brings a reaction. The reaction is the very thing we once sought to put behind us.

After WWI, the victors oppressed the former aggressors. The result was WWII. In a similar manner, you will not achieve equality by constantly seeking an advantage for your chosen cause and vilification of those you brand the enemy. You become the perpetrator of the problem. I see many groups championing the cause of some minority segment. I don't see anyone advocating equality.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Hello Meso,

I've also been following the social justice warrior movement with some interest, not only the feminism...

I just don't know how serious to take it. Does this really have an effect on people outside of the tumblr circlejerk?

There are arguably harmful movements such as HAES(Health at every size).

I also think, that the special snowflake syndrome is very prevalent(Otherkin, Multiple systems, etc). Self diagnosed mental issues such as aspergers and sexual identity disorder are conveniently used to claim oppression. They assign themselves special personal pronouns such as xir, zir, they. I suggest you google headmates...
How many of you have heard of a pansexual? Btw. nobody on tumblr can even agree on what exactly that is...

There are of course other gems. Reverse racism, rape culture, internalized misogyny. Oh yeah, gender is completely a social construct.
Almost all of these 3rd wave feminists have in common that they are white middle class and have never suffered any form of abuse whatsoever.

Here is a great example of how Social Justice Warriors have skewed the view of the general population with overboard political correctness.

The question I would like to answer is how does this 3rd wave feminism manifest itself in the real world outside of tumblr and reddit?

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And at first I figured it would most likely remain a tumblr phenomenon. And that the closest it would get to being in my life would be my 'punk' friends who are those middle class white girls who haven't suffered at the hands of any real abuse.

I mostly tried to do my best to avoid it, by not going to places like Tumblr. But I active enough on social networks and forums for it to leak into those areas. There used to be a time when there was just one female on my news feed who posted about how she loves her underarm hair and stuff. "Cool", I thought. It was her life and it wasn't affecting anyone else, she was just proud of her body hair. No worries there.

But things have gone down hill fast, I now see at least 5 posts a week, from a variety of individuals trying to enlighten others as to why they should feel oppressed, how sexist society is to them because they get hit on without them asking for it.

And from what I've been seeing it has been spilling out onto more well respected news sites. Usually opinion pieces, but sometimes the writer of the article somehow manages to get the editor to post a completely bias and ill-researched piece on their so-called progressive views.

I think my main grievance with these people who have never experienced any true oppression before in their life, is that there are millions who are actually suffering from REAL issues. Issues that should take priority over how a cartoon character is portrayed in regards to gender roles. It seems completely disrespectful to anyone suffering from actual abuse or oppression.

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The question I would like to answer is how does this 3rd wave feminism manifest itself in the real world outside of tumblr and reddit?

I guess it depends on the country but in the Saudi Arabia of Feminism, most of the parlament members who identify as feminists are 3rd wavers. So yeah these loonies can have a real and profound effect on peoples lives.
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

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I don't actually think we can consider Saudi Arabia to have a third wave feminist movement. Because the first and second waves never really existed as a strong movement there. I think we can only talk about third wave feminism when both the first and second waves have accomplished something.

For example, 'second wave' feminists in some areas were fighting for first wave rights in some areas in the 60s and 70s. Until a woman is allowed to vote, I'd say that they're still fighting for first wave rights.

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I don't actually think we can consider Saudi Arabia to have a third wave feminist movement. Because the first and second waves never really existed as a strong movement there. I think we can only talk about third wave feminism when both the first and second waves have accomplished something.

For example, 'second wave' feminists in some areas were fighting for first wave rights in some areas in the 60s and 70s. Until a woman is allowed to vote, I'd say that they're still fighting for first wave rights.

Yeah I have to completely agree with that. As long as woman can be legally disciplined by their husbands, are not allowed to drive and need 4 witnesses to corroborate rape, gender pronouns are not their priority.


I think my main grievance with these people who have never experienced any true oppression before in their life, is that there are millions who are actually suffering from REAL issues. Issues that should take priority over how a cartoon character is portrayed in regards to gender roles. It seems completely disrespectful to anyone suffering from actual abuse or oppression.

Agree as well. I think this stems a lot from an unfulfilled victim complex, and basically a bad conscience for never having experienced any oppression. Pair that with intellectual laziness, the information bubble and the circle jerk environment - BAM 3rd wave feminism.

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There are people whose life is spent complaining. These are the people who don't seem to understand that iff your chief complaint is about the treatment of the gray guards on My Little Pony, then the odds are that there are about 6.9 billion people who have it tougher.

The feminists got what they wanted. Now, in order to justify their existence they have to point to petty quibbles. (Mind you, there's still rampant sexism out there. The problem is there is no glory in maintenance work. The glory is in saying, "I'm the one who got the Smurfs banned!"

It's where we have gone. And in these matters, people tend to group with those who are like minded so discussions become a circle jerk. Positive feedback makes it get more and more extreme.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I don't actually think we can consider Saudi Arabia to have a third wave feminist movement. Because the first and second waves never really existed as a strong movement there. I think we can only talk about third wave feminism when both the first and second waves have accomplished something.

For example, 'second wave' feminists in some areas were fighting for first wave rights in some areas in the 60s and 70s. Until a woman is allowed to vote, I'd say that they're still fighting for first wave rights.

I probably worded it badly, but by 'Saudi Arabia of Feminism' I was referring to Sweden.
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

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What a great post.

The good definition of "liberal" is a great thing. but.....

There are a lot of people that falsely label themselves as such that don't care one bit about making things better for all.

They are looking for petty excuses to be outraged (as long as it doesn't take any real effort). And for reasons to just try and feel like they are better than others (as long as it doesn't take any real effort). The rest is just about getting special treatment over others.

A good and sincere liberal is a like a good and sincere conservative - they both mean well and have real things they are concerned about for themselves and society as a whole. they are both also very rare too

People are people, the labels don't mean much in the end - we all want decent lives and something good for our children, and beyond that, we wish well for others too. This is the only thing I really trust in human nature.

this petty thing - that others need to be ground to dust 'just because' - it's a kind of new thing. and scary. This idea that the 'other' side is nasty and pure evil with horrible intentions - that's just lazy politics. 'lazy' seems to be a real theme lately.

taking away people's self reliance and self determination......it's a pretty clear path on how this all evolved. reliance on others breeds contempt - both ways. human nature is simple.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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***They are looking for petty excuses to be outraged (as long as it doesn't take any real effort).

Those who are routinely outraged have probably gone too long without laughing at themselves.


Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

and that's not funny >:(


Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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OK, got the other post off my chest, now I can post for real. Is it OK? I am a woman, after all...

There were some of those feminists in the 1970's too. They weren't as visible, because we didn't have the internet, and because the ones with (what we thought were) real grievances were more visible. There were women who thought that wanting to be a full-time mother was a waste.

About 10-15 years ago there was a pretty noticeable backlash against feminism -- it was way uncool to admit that one might be a feminist, whatever a feminist meant. I think this is a phase; people might go back to being hairy again (they were in the 1960's and 1970's and it wasn't fatal), they might not.

The internet is probably the biggest change; it's given all those people who are permanently offended a place to air their many woes. It's up to us to make content that's more interesting, and read content that's more interesting, so their content dies from lack of audience.

Either that, or go outside and do something real :P

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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